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Memorial donations of around £27,500 funded construction, dedication and routine ground maintenance in perpetuity.

  Donate here to a small contingency fund to repair and maintain the memorial structures as and when required.

Combined Operations Memorial - Special Thanks.

Those whose help made all the difference

The Combined Operations Memorial after the dedication ceremony.The memorial was dedicated on July 4th, 2013, close to nine years since the original idea for a National Memorial to the Combined Operations Command was first mooted. Without the generosity of support, encouragement, contributions to the website (the educational component of the memorial), donations of money, goods, services, materials and time from countless individuals and organisations at home and overseas, the memorial would never have materialised. A representative few are recorded here.

Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire Mr Ian Dudson CBE and Mrs Jane Dudson UK; Lord Lieutenant Dudson recognised the importance of the Combined Operations Command by his attendance at the dedication ceremony and participation in the form of a speech about the Combined Operations Command website, the educational component of the memorial particularly for the benefit of younger generations now and in the future.

General Sir Richard Barrons KCB CBE ADC Gen, UK; On his appointment as Commander of the Joint Forces Command, General Barrons agreed to fulfil the commitment of his predecessor, Air Chief Marshall Peach. No greater honour could be bestowed on the service personnel of yesteryear, than for the Commander of their modern equivalent Force to honour their memory and achievements in this way.

Air Chief Marshall Sir Stuart Peach, KCB, CBE. UK; Air Chief Marshal Peach kindly agreed to unveil the dedication plaque at a ceremony to be held at the National Memorial Arboretum on July 4 2013. Although no longer able to keep this appointment due to a change of post, we are grateful to him for recognising the important work of the Combined Operations Command during WW2.

Major General Michael Charlton-Weedy UK; For interest, support, encouragement and several substantial donations to the memorial fund.

Professor Arthur R Quinton USA; General advice and support over the lifetime of the memorial project, repeated donations including one from his son, Keith, of £500 towards the cost of the dedication ceremony.

David A Thorp Spain; Gift of his painting entitled "Combined Operations - A Normandy Beachhead" measuring 750 mm x 550 mm. Gift of the rights to produce prints for fundraising purposes. All proceeds in aid of the Combined Operations Memorial Fund. Participation in fund raising ideas and events.

Richard Stimpson England; Designed and procured the timber for the information display and raised £500 for the memorial fund by undertaking a sponsored walk, backwards. Organised 6 standard bearers at the dedication ceremony. Member of the Friends of the Combined Operations Memorial (FOTCOM) who undertook frequent maintenance visits to the memorial. Supplied photos periodically to permit remote monitoring of maintenance needs. A loyal supporter over many years.

Tony Chapman England; Archivist and Historian for the LST and Landing Craft Association. Throughout the life of the memorial project, Tony provided material for dozens of web pages about landing craft and their crews. He also provided historically accurate information and advice to military artist, David Thorp, during work on his painting "Combined Operations - A Normandy Beachhead" and for over 10 years he answered countless enquiries received by the website on matters related to landing craft. Sadly, Tony passed away on June 6th 2013. He was a good and loyal friend of the Combined Operations Command Memorial. He was represented at the memorial dedication ceremony by his son Paul.

David and Danny Bonnar Scotland; Donation of four large stones and a cubic metre of smaller rocks for the mosaic wall from the Clachan Quarry on the shore of Loch Fyne. It was in this area that around 250,000 practised amphibious landings under the Combined Operations Command as well as Commando manoeuvres in the surrounding hills. Clachan Quarry.

Sheila and Mike Phillips England; Advice, support and encouragement. Members of the Friends of the Combined Operations Memorial (FOTCOM) who undertook frequent maintenance visits to the memorial.

Colin & Jean Gillespie Scotland; Advice, support and practical help in selecting one cubic metre of small rocks from Clachan Quarry in Scotland and delivery to the National Memorial Arboretum, travelling 750 miles over two days. Also assistance at the dedication ceremony.

George H Pitt Canada; Throughout the life of the project George provided advice and comment on the application to the National Memorial Arboretum and on countless web pages written by others. Was the author of a number of web pages himself including D-Day and Dieppe. Supplied graphics of the memorial design for the website.

Gloria Siggins Scotland; Support, encouragement and provision of names of 'interested' parties for fund raising plus a very substantial donation to the memorial fund.

Ian Carrington England; In November 2009, Ian undertook a fundraising walk with his two dogs, Bailey and Lucy, as companions. Raised £1,044 for the memorial fund. For over 2 years he was  a member of the Friends of the Combined Operations Memorial (FOTCOM) and undertook frequent maintenance visits to the memorial and completely refurbished the memorial's information display board.

Larry Jones England; Great Barr Sawmills, Birmingham. The supply of cut timber, at cost, for the memorial information display.

Leslie Whipps England; Ex No 9 Commando who completed the Commando re-enactors Fund Raising March '06 between Achnacarry and Spean Bridge in Scotland.

LST and Landing Craft Association England; Publicity for memorial in their 'Kedge Hook' newsletter.

Pam Wright England; Support, advice and encouragement. Marketing and publicity advice and suggestions.

Patrick van der Vegt Holland; Together with Peter Scally he organised a Commando Re-enactors Commemorative March in April 2006 involving around 35 men from a number of countries. £1,500 was raised which was a huge boost to the memorial fund in the early years.

Peter Scally Scotland; ditto.

Phil Jones Wales; Support, advice and countless submissions to the website mainly on training establishments.

RAF Historical Society England; Nomination of the Sitka spruce tree to represent the RAF in the memorial design.

RN Naval Historical Branch England; Nomination of the oak tree to represent the RN.

Terry Carney England; A member of the Military Heraldry Society he auctioned a Combined Operations Badge he had made from a variety of military buttons raising £200. Also produced colour prints, on Buckram cloth sheets, of early unused designs of the Combined Operations badge, which were used for fund raising.

War Memorials Trust England; For two years before the memorial fund had its own bank account, the War Memorials Trust received and banked donations on behalf of the fund. Website.

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Photo of single poppy.Combined Operations Handbook (Far East)

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