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They Also Served

A 'Roll of Honour' for Veterans who survived the war.

On this page, you can pay tribute to a veteran from the Allied Nations who survived WW2 and who served in, or alongside, the Combined Operations Command. Please send in details of any veterans you wish to nominate using the 'Submit Details' link below, and include a photo and/or a pdf file, with more information about the veteran, if you wish.

[Photo: Below; The moment the Combined Ops memorial was dedicated on July 4th 2013 by the Reverend Prebendary, Tony Wood with General Sir Richard Barrons KCB CBE ADC Gen, Commander of the Joint Forces Command and bugler, Adrian Harper, looking on. Right; Print of painting "Combined Ops - A Normandy Beachhead" by David A Thorp].

Combined Operations Prayer

O LORD GOD, our Father, our Saviour, our Might, we pray Thee take into Thy keeping us who are joined together in a trinity of arms on sea, on land, and in the air in this our special service for King and Country. We pledge ourselves to do, to dare, to die that others might live, believing in Him who said; "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Grant us faith, courage, and determination that we fail not in whatever duty may lie before us, and may we be enabled by Thy Divine Grace to bear our part in establishing peace on earth and goodwill amongst men. This we ask for Jesus Christ, His sake. Amen.

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S  T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


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Roll of Honour

Combined Ops Memorial


Abbots A A. Private; PLY/X.113386; 45 Royal Marine Commando; D-Day +1, France, Holland & Germany including the Rhine crossing and Berlin. Served Aug 43 to Oct 46. RIP 1994.


Ablewhite C. Private; Lincolnshire Regiment & 11 Scottish Commando. Badly wounded during the Litani River Raid.


Alexander KW. Acting Cpl LAC; Ser No 648576; RAF Combined Operations 1941 - 45 in North Africa, Suez Canal, Saudi Arabia, Syracuse Sicily, Naples, Italy, Anzio, Malta, Juhu India, Gibraltar, France. RIP 23/6/07.

Amess F J. AB; PJX 327866; RN LCT 611; D-day and Walcheren. Medal photo, including the Légion d’honneur, courtesy of the Hauraki Herald Newspaper, New Zealand.


Anderton T A. Stoker 1st Class; Ser No KX 147311; RN Att HMS COPRA.

Andrew K. Royal Naval T Commando; Assistant Beach Master, King Green/Gold beach. RIP 20/10/12.


Baker L F. Sgt; Ser No 90191; Royal Air Servicing Commando - RAFSC 3203.

Balfour, John Berry. C/MX693468 served aboard HMS Daffodil from 27/12/1942 to 09/05/1944. HMS Daffodil was a TF3 (train ferry) converted into a Landing Ship Sternchute (LSS). She had the capacity to carry thirteen LCA' s mounted on trolleys ready for launching several miles off landing beaches. She was sunk in 1945. John Balfour was awarded the Africa Star, the Atlantic Star and the Arctic Star.

Ballard A H. Royal Navy; Combined Operations; Two world wars, all three services, non-commissioned & commissioned, Mentioned in Dispatches, medals in both wars and no less than 5 invasion landings! Alfred's Story.

Barham A E. Wireman; Ser No JX427486; RN & Combined Operations; Landing Craft Infantry LCI 502 & Landing Craft Tank LCT 7026.

Barker J W. Cpl; Ser No POX 107600; Royal Marine; Landing Craft Flack LCF 20 on D Day.

Barlow R W. LAC; Ser No 1750484; FDT 217;


Barnes L. MM, MX500204, Combined Ops / RN. Served on LCT 510, LCT 509, LCT 912 Juno beach. Trained at HMS Dinosaur. Served from 1942 to 1946. Much loved, much missed. RIP 3/7/ 1976.


Barry K M. AB; Ser No P/JX 388551; RN Commando 'R'. Mentioned in Despatches.

Bartlett A W.  Sgt; 907736; RAF Volunteer Reserve 21.11.39 - 7.5.46; Served on HQ Ship HMS Largs at Torch, Corkscrew, Husky, Avalanche and Overlord.  Mentioned in Despatches for distinguished Service.

Bashford R L. Cpl; 6872561; 6 Commando.

Bass A G. Ser No PX119454; Royal Marine Commando.

Bassett Bernard, KX133944, (1920/1985) Stoker 1st class, served in 591 LCA Flotilla during Normandy Landings, Gold Beach. Sadly missed.

Bates R L. Sgt; Royal Air Servicing Commando RAFSC 3203;  North Africa and Italy 1942-44. RIP 21/12/1975.

Bates W. Royal Navy as a Stoker in March 1943; Motor Mechanic in April 1943; December of 1943 Petty Officer Motor Mechanic on Landing Craft Tank 2313. D-Day landings and Holland in 1945. Discharged on the 4th May 1946.


Beadle I N N. Major;45 Royal Marine Commando E troop; Dakar 1940; D-Day 06/06/44; Normandy, Holland, Rhine, Germany, Baltic.  RIP 1981.


Beattie A. Cpl; Ser No 2886105; 11 Commando and Gordon Highlanders; Taken prisoner on raid to capture Rommel. Survived 4 month "death march" from Poland as the Russians pushed the Germans back.


Beeson F W W. Signalmen; Ser No JX675605; Royal Navy; had the unusual distinction of manning a Mulberry Harbour caisson across the English Channel.

Bennett J I. Pte; Ser No 3911811; 3 Commando HQ Troop, the Welch Regiment / S.W. Borderers 1940-46.

Berrisford P J. Sgt. Awarded the  Military Medal; 6 Commando 4 Troop; Operation Torch.

Bingham A. Marine; Ser No CHX 112104; RN and Combined Operations; HMS Glenearn; 23/11/42 to 22/7/46.

Blackmore D. Sub Lt Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; RN Commando 'R'; Sword Beach.

Bland J T. Petty Officer; Distinguished Service Medal; Ser No P/JX186974; RN Commando; Bruneval, Dunkirk, Lofoten, Islands, Dieppe (Lovatt), Torch, Daffodil (Nth Africa), Sicily and Italy.

Bond W J. CH/X697. Royal Marine Gunner initially serving on ships from 1930 to 1940. HMS Ajax - wounded in action at the Battle of the River Plate in X Turret. Sgt: 101st RM Battalion Dakar. 40 Commando at Dieppe, Sicily , Porto San Venere & Termoli, Italy. Hospitalised after Termoli due to shell shock. Returned to the UK for several months then in a training role in 44/45 rising to CSM. Retired as a Sgt from RM in 1952. RIP 05/02/85.

Booth Jim. Combined Operations Pilotage Parties (COPP 9 Unit). Obituary https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2023-01-06/funeral-held-for-war-hero-who-was-a-spy-on-the-beaches-of-normandy

Boreham J. Sgt; 6 Commando.

Boulton D. Bombardier; 11 Scottish Commando, Litani River Raid; later Lt in 9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry.

Boultwood G J. Major; 11th Battalion the Devonshire Regiment; landing Craft Expert attached to Combined Operations.

Boustred R. RN; Landing Craft Tank (LCT) 884 & 883; Legion d'Honneur. RIP Dec 2019.


Bowden S C R. Pte; Ser No POX106506; 41 RM Commando; Sicily, Salerno and Normandy Sword Beach. RIP 01/03/2009


Box F R W. AB; Ser No CJX377668; RNVR; HMS Copra. RIP 2001.


Bradley R A. AB; Ser No CJX354098; Royal Naval Commando 1941 - 1946; D Day Landings. Passed 03/05/2016.

Brand David. Lt; Combined Operations Pilotage Party (COPP). After a 1943 reconnaissance operation on the southern beaches of Sicily, he, Lt Bob Smith and 13 others paddled 75 miles back to Malta after failing to rendezvous with their submarine. RIP 1973 leaving 3 sons.


Briggs A W. Pte; Ser No PO 7X108025; 41 RM Commando; Sicily and Salerno. RIP 2006.

Bunkall E T J. Royal Navy as an Anti-aircraft gunner and, according to his brother, he drove a landing craft onto the beaches of Normandy.


Burgess J C. Gunner; Ser No 2066140; 4 Commando; Royal Artillery. RIP 1985 Commando Certificate.

Butler E H D, No 3 Commando in WW2. Ser Nos 5048390 (non Commission) and 292938 (Commissioned from 19th November 1943). Served in Palestine from 1934 with the North Staffs, returning to the UK in 1939. Took part in the following wartime Operations:

Operation Claymore – March 1941 - The raid on the Lofoten Islands – Norway
Operation Archery – December 1941 - First Combined Ops Raid on Norway
Operation Chariot – March 1942 - The Raid on St Nazaire
Operation Jubilee - August 1942 – The Dieppe Raid
Operation Overlord – June 1944 – The D-Day Landings
Operation Market Garden – Sept 1944 - Arnhem

POW (Arnhem) until the end of the war, later joining the RAF Regiment for a further 15 years .


Cameron F. Ser No CH/X 113013; Landing Craft Flack LCF 32; PantelleriaD-Day and Walcheren. Also HMS Cormorant, Gibraltar via Valetta, Malta. RIP 1998.


Campbell T H H. Sapper; Ser No 1877061; 9 Commando; RIP 1984.

Carrington J. Leading Seaman; Royal Navy & Combined Operations Command; Coxswain on Landing Craft - Italy and Normandy. RIP 04/01/13. 'Your long voyage is over sailor, rest in peace.'


Chadwick S. Corporal; Ser No PLY 106824; Royal Marines; HMS Empire Mace, D-Day & with "X" Force

Chapman F R. Coxswain; Ser No CJX315806; RN; Landing Craft Support (Large) LCS(L) Mk2 251 on D-Day.


Christie D. Pte; Ser No 3861947; 5 Commando 6 Troop (Loyals); 6/42 to 12/45. [ John Christie writes; I wonder if any photo of the troop exists which may include my father. He served in 5 commando from 1942 to 1945. Please contact us in first instance.  

Clapp S J. Stoker; Ser No P/CX 665201; Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve - RNVR; On D-Day, 6th June 1944 left Gosport for Juno Beach on Landing Ship Tank LST 159.  Completed 100 crossings. RIP 18/05/07.


Clark P W. Lt Commander; COPP 1; DSC & Bar. He was aboard X20 on D-Day.

Clarke K E. Cpl; Ser No 13118804 & 5550135; 3 Troop (Misc Group) No10 Inter-Allied Commando. Born Kurt Theodor Goldschlager, from Vienna, Austria. Fled from Nazis and in 1940 joined British Army in the name of Kenneth Clarke. Mentioned in Despatches, Osnabruck.  


Clements T. Ser No 3190208; 5th batt Kings Own Scottish Borderers. British Expeditionary Force from 12/6/1940 to 17/6/1940. Wounded in action at Kievelberg with B company 8 platoon on 28th of December 1944. Discharged 17/9/1945.


Colson A F L. Captain, No 2 Special Boat Service attached COPP 8, M.B.E., Mentioned in Despatches, Far East 1944-45, parent unit Royal Engineers, Mid Arakan 1944-45 (Op.David), Sumatra 1944-45 (Op.Frippery), retired from Royal Engineers 1960 (Major), ordained in Church of England 1962, retired from Ministry 1986, married Alice Ruth Mackay Sim 1951 (3 children), died 29 6 2007, age 85.

Connolly, Tom Festus, Major. Served in the West Surrey Regiment, (British Indian Army Overseas) for most of his career but also took part in two Norwegian raids at Svolvaer (Lofoten Islands) and Vaagso. RIP,  Canada 1989.


Cooling R. Pilot; RAF 516 Squadron.

Couch John (Jack or Taffy). Able Seaman  JX363389 and later RN Beach Commando Nan 2; June 1942 to June 1946; HMS Copra (Combined Operations) from 1/7/43 to 30/11/45. Attended many landing craft bases for training including HMS Quebec, HMS Roseneath and HMS Armadillo, Awarded the Italy Star so took part in the Sicily (Operation Husky) landings in July 1943 and/or the subsequent landings on mainland Italy in September 1943. RIP December 1994, aged 71 years.

Coulthread D E. L/Cpl; Ser No 3061447; 11 Scottish Commando Royal Scots Greys; Op Flipper, Black Hackle; Geoffrey Keyes' Batman.

Coutts W C. AB; Ser No JX408644; RN Att HMS COPRA Served on Landing Craft Tank (Assault) LCT(A) 2432.

Cowan A. AB; Ser No JX328854; RN Att HMS COPRA.

Crosby A J. B Troop, 7 Commando; Served in North Africa and injured on Crete. RIP June 1978.

Crowell M M. Chief Petty Officer; Ser No K0465625; Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve. 1941 - 45.

Cruikshanks G. AB; Ser No D/JX340221; RN Commando, Beach Signal Section 9; Scottish soldier at El Al Amein, Algiers, Sicily, Italy, D-Day Gold Beach. RIP 26/12//06.


Cuddeford W H. RAF Servicing Commandos. Joined in Middle East (presumably 3230, 3231 or 3232); Invasion of Sicily from North Africa.  Also served as a corporal armourer on various RAF bomber bases in the UK. RIP 1982.


Cullen J S. RN, Ser No D/JX 745268. Special Boat Service (SBS) Photo taken at HMS Saunders during training. RIP 15/11/1990.



Daisley E A. Petty Officer; Royal Navy; Landing Craft Tank LCT39; Coxswain on D-Day. Trained at HMS Dinosaur 1944.

Dalling J V. LBE 29 (Ex LBE 297), 39 Supply & Repair Flotilla of Force 'O' (Omaha) out of Poole. Legion of Honneur, 22nd Sept 2017. Photos courtesy of his friends, Steve & Dianne Hempsall.


Danne G F. Lt; Royal Navy; COPPist in Normandy & Burma.


Dandy A J. Cpl; Ser No 1533625; 3210 RAF Servicing Commando; Armourer. RIP 8/8/95.

Davies G J. Sub/Lt; DSC, RNVR; HMS Mistral, HMS Abdiel, Landing Craft Tank, LCT 2037, LCT 2008, HMS Lochailort, HMS Westcliff and HMS Turtle 1942-45.


Davies L. Stoker 1st Class. Ser No KX116516. HMS Quebec, Princess Astrid, Prince Charles, Ettrick, F12, Dundonald, Tormentor, Stopford, Turtle & Boscawen. RIP Aug 1980.

Davies M A W. Major; Ser No 253496; 9 Commando & Northamptons; MC. Click on citation for more information.



Deayton, Kenneth; (left in photo) served in the 11th Scottish Commando raid at Litani River. He and a compatriot were lost in the desert for two weeks and thought to be dead. They were rescued by an Arabian with a donkey, who carried them across the river to an Australian troop encampment. He attained the rank of Sgt Major. RIP 1993.

Dilling, Harold James, Naval Commando and linesman on LCG19. Served in Sicily, Salerno, Anzio and Yugoslavia and was the source of the LCG19 account on this website. Rip 09/04/2019, aged 95.


Dockey J R. AB; HMS Copra May 1942 - June 1946; HMS Dinosaur; Atlantic Star, Africa Star, Italy Star and France and Germany Clasp. RIP 1986.


Docksey John Arthur. WO11, Army No. 2078442. On enlistment, aged 19, he was posted to 509 Field Company, Royal Engineers. Served with the 257 Field Company, Royal Engineers Inveraray from June 1945 to March 1946.  France and Germany Star, Defence medal, Efficiency medal. RIP 2009.

Dobby H B. Ser No JX355746. RN Attached to Combined Ops. LCT 1075 March 44  Dec 44.


Dolling A J. Acting Leading Stoker; Ser No KX132341; RN Att HMS COPRA & Special Operations Executive; HMS Royal Arthur, Canada (training), North Atlantic, Italy, Landing Craft (Normandy) & Far East. 25/07/1911 to 26/12/1999.

Donnison R E. Pte; Ser No 4807481; 5 Commando; 1941-46.

Douglas, George, RNVR, Temporary Sub Lieutenant, 1940. Previously served in the Merchant Navy when he was captured by the Germans from the American vessel ‘City of Flint’ in November 1939. Transferred to a German supply ship which entered Norwegian waters where, as a condition of his release into the care of the Norwegian authorities, he signed the Hague convention to confirm that he would not go to sea again.

He was a engaged in navigation training courses, primarily for landing craft crews, at HMS Saunders (Combined Operations Training Centre (Middle East) from June 1944 to May 1946 when he held the position of Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander. After the war he returned to the Merchant Navy and became a Captain until his retirement in February 1977.

In the colourised photo, George Douglas is on the extreme left.

Duncan, George Ian Alistair, MC & Bar; He joined The Highland Light Infantry the Black Watch in November 1940, volunteering for "hazardous duties" in the 11 (Scottish Commando). As part of Layforce in the Mediterranean, he took part in raids on Crete and  Sicily. POW August 1942. He wrote the words for what became The 11th (Scottish) Commando March composed by Piper Lawson.

Dunn A C. Ser No 1450390; 3202 RAF Servicing Commando; Africa & Italy.


Eden J. AB; Ser No CJX 355755; RN; Landing craft (Omaha).

Edeson P J. Pte; Ser No CLX /109402; Royal Marine; Landing Craft Gun (Large) LCG (L) 18; See LCG19.

Elcome H J C. Leading Air Craftsman; Ser No 1717143; RAF SCU 3204 +2TAF; Served from1942-47. RIP 2003.

Elkington P J. Ser No 12254; Black Watch &  Commandos; Burma (Chindits).

Emery D. AB (DSM); Ser No SSX 29684; Royal Naval Beach Commando Fox; Wounded Sword beach, D-Day, 6th June, 1944. RIP Nov 1950.


Field R P. AB; PJX 324030; Royal Navy; HMS Quebec;  HMS Copra; LCA Dieppe Raid; HMS Princess Astrid Sicily, Salerno and Sword Beach on D-day. Passed away peacefully in Sussex on 29/12/2011.


Findlay I. RN; Petty Officer Artificer (Engineering); served at Inveraray and Gosport. In addition to his normal duties, he played the violin and took part in concert parties at HMS Quebec.


Finucane F V. Leading Seaman; Ser No J100901 & P/JX 667462; RN att HMS Copra; HMS Princess Astrid; Landing Craft, Dieppe, Sicily, D-Day. 1905 - 1987.

Fitzimmonds E (Ted). Shadowed the Bismark on HMS Gleaner. Served on the Normandy beaches from D Day as crew member aboard a Landing Barge Engineering (LBE) providing vital emergency repairs to craft and war machines.


Fletcher W J. Leading Seaman; Ser No LTJX195994; Landing Craft Boatswain (RN & Combined Operations); Mentioned in Dispatches and awarded citation from the King + Oak leaf.


Folkes T. Telegraphist; Ser No PJX/415098; RN att HMS Copra; D-Day, North Atlantic Convoys, South of France landings.

Foote H A W. AB; Ser No JX381889; 596 and 508 Flotilla, D-Day Normandy Landings then Far East LCFU 22, Naval Party 4122.  RIP 07/04/99.

Ford C D. Telegraphist; Ser No D/JX 359899; RN att HMS Copra; Bombardment Unit. Sicily, Salerno, Anzio south of France

Fowe T. A/B; RN; HMS Aristocrat on D-Day + Mulberry Harbours

FRAMPTON, Charles. Leading Wireman (Landing Craft). Service No P/MX 626266. Basic training at HMS Royal Arthur (Butlins Skegness), assigned to Combined Operation Command and undertook amphibious landing craft training in Scotland and Langstone Harbour on South coast. Despatched with Naval Party 4262 to the Far East based at Bombay Naval dockyard. After the war ended he saw service in Singapore supervising Japanese POWs while awaiting return home. Demob in 1946. RIP 2018.

Francis W A. RN; HMS Copra; Landing Craft (Juno Beach) RIP 18 April 2012.

French D L. Lt. RNVR and Combined Operations Command. LCF 29 off Juno Beach on D Day. Called up in 1939 and commissioned on 1/11/40.

French H E H. AB; Ser No J 113064; RN 1925-49 & HMS Misoa; RIP 1977 aged 68.


French, Leslie Charles. Born on July 26, 1924. He entered the Royal Navy on December 29, 1942 and served on LCI(S) 531. On D Day his craft was part of Force J (Juno), Assault Group J4, 201 LCI(S) Flotilla out of Warsash. 531 hit a mine on leaving the beach. On July 26, 1944, he was promoted to Motor Mechanic Petty Officer (B).




Gamblin F J. AB; Ser No V59716; Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve - RCNVR - RN (Beach) Commandos; New Brunswick, Canada. RIP 1994.

Gardner W J. Squadron Leader; Ser No 44552; RAF 105 Wing; HQ Ship Personnel Holding Unit.

Gaster J. Asst Beachmaster; Royal Naval Commando; Trained at HMS Armadillo, Scotland.

Ginn J W. 20700015; USA 34th Infantry 'Red Bull' Division; Algiers and Salerno. Military ID attached.


Glen J. Flight Sergeant; Ser No; 976168; RAF Seaborne Radar FDT 217. Mentioned in Despatches; RIP 2000.

Gorle H W. Pte; er No B66881; Royal Regiment of Canada; Wounded Dieppe 1942, POW, Repatriated 1944.

Graham T J W.  Stoker 1st Class; Ser No P/KX161168; HMS Copra 1/9/43 to 24/8/44; May have been involved in Operation Taxable - the D-Day deception convoy.

Grant F J. Ser No Po/x116789; Royal Marines; Combined Ops, Special Boat Service; D-Day Veteran.

http://www.combinedops.com/COM_PHOTOS/TAS%20Tom.jpgGrant T. Pte; Ser No 2080011; 3 Commando; 7th Bn. Durham Light Infantry Lofoton Islands; Vaagso & Malloy. RIP 2005.

Green A. Pte; Ser No PLY/X 111456; 4th Commando Brigade; Signal Troop.


Hailes S B. L/Cpl; Ser No 4620600; 3 Commando 1 Troop; 1940-42; POW Dieppe.

Hale W A. AC1; Ser No 1321644; Sicily, Anzio, Tunisia and Arnhem.

Hall R M. Petty Officer; Ser No JX149429; RN Commando 'K"; RIP 13 Nov 2006.

Hamilton A. RAF; Served on a Landing Ship Tank modified to provide radar/communications off the Normandy beaches. FDT 216. RIP 27 Aug 2013 aged 92.


Hamilton J. Temp Lt (E); RNVR - HM LST425; DSC for courage, endurance and determination in transporting men and supplies to Normandy.

Hamilton J. JX579250. Royal Navy attached to Combined Operations. Believed to have landed on Sword beach and in Holland (Walcheren?). Died in Rhodesia on 02 Apr1978.

Hammett, Frederick John Crossman (Fred); Born in the village of Lydford on the edge of Dartmoor on 03/02/21. He joined the RAF early in 1941 and after basic training and time spent servicing and maintaining aircraft in the UK, volunteered for hazardous duties in Royal Air Servicing Commando Unit 3210 (RASCU 3210), being demobbed in October 1946. He took the long route to the Far East via South Africa serving in India and Burma. At the time of writing, he is fully engaged in planning his 100th birthday celebrations in his care home!

Hannam R H. AB; RN Commando; D-Day. Survived the assault and overland to Hamburg.

Harper K J. L/Cpl; Ser No PLY/X111654; Marine Signals; Joined February 1942 & took part in the D-Day Landings Gold Beach. Demobbed July 46. Deceased September 1976, aged 51.


Harris R G. Pte; Ser No 14992685; 5 Commando; Served in India, Burma and Hong Kong until November 1946.


Harrison G D. Leading Seaman Coxswain; Ser No V8809; RCNVR, Combined Operations 1941 - 45, 80th Flotilla Canadian; North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Comox Spit (British Columbia, Canada), Combined Operations Training base, aka Givenchy III.


Harrison W. Ser No JX354155; RN Landing Craft; D-Day.

Hart G M. Lt Cmdr; Merchant Navy, RNR 1939 and RINR; Command of 1) HMIS Kalavati, 2) Combined Operations Training Camp, Marvee, India. Intelligence Officer Mountbatten's Burma HQ. RIP Christchurch New Zealand 16/08/87.

Hart Richard A. Ordinary Seaman, MX 728074, Royal Navy. Served from 03/03/43 to 24/05/46. Attached to Combined Operations prior to D Day as a wireman on Landing Craft Tank (LCT) 1060. Released to shore in Class A on 24/05/46. 16 Aug 1920 to 13 Dec 2003 aged 83. RIP.


Hattersley A. Signalman; Ser No 340306; Combined Operations, Royal Navy 1942–1946; Sicily, Italy, Normandy and the Far East. RIP 22 September 2016, Bristol, England, aged 93. Alf's Story.


Haynes B. Ser No PMX 739377; Combined Operations; HMLCT (4) 823 at  HMS Hopetoun, South Queensferry and commissioned HMLCT (8) 4042 at Leith, both in Scotland. Also HMS Appledore and other bases in the south of England.

Heasman Albert Thomas, RA, Combined Operations Bombardment. Served in or around North Africa, South of France , Malta, Greek Islands and throughout Sicily and Italy in WW2. Awarded a Croix de Guerre and also honoured by Greece. He served as a Forwards Observation Officer and Bombardment Liaison Officer on various fronts. He rarely spoke about what or where he had been and remained very humble about his exploits being acutely aware he had survived.


Heath A. AB; Ser No P/JX 418280; RN Commando 'R3'; Normandy, Sword Beach - 6/6/44. RIP 1/1/2008 RN Commandos.


Henderson L F M. Pte; Ser No V41125; RCNVR; Canadian.

Henson F L. AB; Ser No JX376601; HMS Quebec 1943, HMS Copra 1943/44, HMS Appledore. LCOCU (Landing Craft Obstacle Clearance Unit.) LCOCU - trained to remove underwater mines and beach obstacles prior to D-Day. Very hazardous work. Landed with Canadians at NanGreen Sector, Juno Beach. RIP 27/12/84.

Hesmondhalgh, Florence Beryl. Florence was born in 1918 in Balckburn and died 1st August 2009 in Harrogate. She served in Combined Operations as the photo opposite attests but her duties are unknown. A medal collector acquired her WW2 War and Defence medals with box and submitted her details for inclusion in this remembrance webpage. If anyone has information about Florence's wartime service, please contact us using the link in the page banner.

Higgins H C. Commando; Injured in the Raid on Vaagso, Norway in Dec 1941. The photo shows him receiving medical treatment in the field of battle.


Hill, Harold Sidney; No 4 commando; Service Number 5247775. Wounded 10th June 1944, Sword beech casualty list w0417/77×2.  1911 -1983.

Hill P. Marine; Ser No PLY. X107588; HMS COPRA HMS Dinosaur, HMS Quebec & HMS Westcliff. HMS Sultan 2; Served in Landing Craft Gun (Large) 13. Gold Beach, Sicily & Burma. Burma Star, Italy Star, France V.G. Star. Died 8th September 1991.

Hillman E. KX150246. Volunteered 8 5 42 to the end of the present emergency, HMS Collingwood as telegrapher from 8 5 42 - 20 5 42; HMS Mercury 20 5 42 - 23 6 42; HMS Victory as a stoker 2 (M)X, 24 6 42 -10 7 42; HMS Pembroke 11 7 42 - 3 8 42; HMS Dinosaur 4 8 42 - 16 2 43. Promoted Stoker1 17 2 43 - 30 4 43, HMS Hamilton 1 5 43 - 31 12 43, HMS Copra 1 1 44 - 5 10 45 & HMS Victory 7 10 45 -16 1 46.

Hiscox R O. Temporary Leading Seaman (Coxswain) D/JX368724. RN October 1942 @ HMS Raleigh. Discharged April 1946. Attached to Combined Operations serving on LCTs 594, 165, 1092, 29 and  LCI(L) 8. Coxswain of LCT 1092 on D-Day under the command of Lt Wigley RN, part of the 45th LCT Flotilla. 1092 struck a mine in mid June and was salvaged at sea and taken to Normandy. Later served in Egypt on LCI(L) 8. Returned to UK Dec 45/Jan 46 and discharged April 1946. Awarded the Legion De Honneur by the French Government in 2016. Born Oct1924 and died Nov 2019.

Hockaday T.  My grandfather reportedly helped fix airfields in France and Belgium following D Day. Stories relayed by my father describe regular sniper attacks targeting the front driver of convoys, usually the corporal, so promotion meant death until they agreed to rotate the front driver role. During one roadside ambush, Thomas took cover in a ditch. His stein gun jammed and, in a fit of rage and frustration, he threw the gun in the direction of the enemy. It landed on the road, where it proceeded to empty its magazine. The story goes that the enemy thought they were being surrounded and retreated. The next story is in a Belgian town, believed to be Ghent.  Thomas was about to lead the convoy over a bridge when it blew up, rigged by the retreating Germans.

I thought it would be good to share this with you in case his name or the second hand stories resonate with anyone. Thomas returned to his French polishing job after the war and sadly died in the late 60s following a stroke. My father died a couple of years ago, so these stories need a new home.

All the best, Paul Hockaday


Holland J.  Ser No D/MX 509506 Petty Officer who served on HMS Glenearn.  He died 12th March 1985.


Holmes, Janet. WREN, HMS COPRA, Largs, Scotland.



Hope J D E. Marine Corporal; Mother ship was HMS Glenearn; Coxswain on landing craft. Force X in the Pacific on HMS Glenearn. RIP 8/8/92.


Howard D. Ser No C/X 112798; Royal Marines, 539 Assault Flotilla Normandy & Pacific. RIP 16/6/07.

Hughes G. Ser No P/JX619267; Naval Signal Unit; Italian star, Burma Star, Defence, Victory 1939-45.


Hurley H L. 1st Lt (Signals) later promoted Lt Commander. From Sept 1943 served on LCT 858. Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) for 'exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy at sea.'



Irving M A.  Cpl; Ser No 4205846; 4 Commando, Normandy (Sword Beach) & Walcheren. Aug 1941- Dec 1945.

Isaac S. Ser No PJX416555; Royal Navy; Normandy (513 LCA Flotilla, LCA 713) & Walcheren.



Jackson F. Ser No JX278280. Released on January 22nd 1946 with the rank of petty officer. Was an LTA pilot on the 17th June 1944 taking commando units in when his landing craft received several direct hits causing it to sink. He was recovered from the sea and taken to the American 15th field hospital in Bastia, Corsica, where he made a full recovery.

Jackson Harry. Royal Navy Commando. Served in the Mediterranean.

Jackson WJR. Lt. Ser No 66722(v); SANF(V) sec'd. RN; South African. L.C.S.(M) Boat Officer, 940th Flotilla.  Operations Ironclad 1942 and Stream. Burma 1943, Mayu River Party. 

James, Dennis (Taffy) Benjamin. Welsh Fusiliers; SAS 1942; SRS 1943 (Fusilier 4192780); 11 (Scottish) Commando; 1 SAS (A Squadron) 1944; 16.03.1921 - 02.09.2001 (Aged 80). His granddaughter adds; He joined the welsh fusiliers rather than going down the pit. Later transferred to 11th Scottish commandos before joining the 1st SAS. Litani River.



Jenkins R E. Royal Marines; Combined Operations 814 Flotilla.

Johnson D.H. RN Stoker 1st Class, Attached to Combined Operations - Service No. KX143608 HMS Dinosaur, HMS Copra 1943-1946.


Johnson S P. AB; Ser No JX373958; RN HMS Copra; LCT995, LCI(L)209.  RIP 23/11/2000.

Jones D. D/JX 419420; Royal Navy / Combined Forces 1943 - 1946; Sword Beach on D Day.


Jones F E. Driver; Ser No 14420817, 4 Commando. RIP 2018.


Jones J B. Pte; Ser No 5347501; 9 Commando; 1941-1945. RIP 2004.

Jones T A J. Stoker 1st Class; Ser No KX 525510; HMS Cricket (Landing Craft Base) and HMS Hornet RN Bases. Served on MTBs as part of Coastal Defences. Known affectionately as Arnie (Arnold) or TAJ Jones.


Jones V P. AB (?); HMS Devonshire; Royal Naval Commando; RIP.


Jones W P L. Motor Mechanic later PO; Ser No MX 125713; Royal navy 22,2.1943 - 15.10.1946; 602 Marine Flotilla in charge of 16 LCMs and LCAs landing on Sword Beach. Served in Normandy until October 44.  RIP 16.01.03.

Jordan J. Petty Officer Motor Mechanic; Ser No MX74915/CO; In charge of the engine room of HMLCI (L)247 for over two years. Pantellaria, Sicily, Salerno, Anzio, Commando raids on the Dalamatian Islands and the South of France. Awarded the DSM in 1944.

Joyce, Ronald Ernest; Stoker; Ser No KX140518. Served in Combined Ops 1943 – 1945 including LCTs on D Day June 6th,1944. RIP Dec 1981.




Kay William (Bill). Leading Aircraftsman 1003212; Royal Air Servicing Commando Unit 3205.


Keen J T. Sub Lt RIN; Royal Indian Navy. Combined Operations from late 1943. Served on landing craft in Burma in 1945 after training near Bombay in 1944. [1922 - 1996.]

Kellie, Norman. Ply/x111488. RM Driver Landing Craft, HMS COPRA 25/06/44 to 28/03/46. RIP 23rd September 2006.



Kennedy EA -  48 Commando Royal Marines CH. X110162. Juno Beach D-Day. 1925-2018 RIP



Keyworth F. Landing Craft Crew; RN (Landing Craft Assault); D-Day (Omaha). 1924 - 2010. RIP November 2010.


King H A. Stoker 1st Class, Ser No D/KX130193. Combined Operations Sept 1943 - March 1946. On D Day departed Warsash with Canadians. Mentioned in Despatches 22nd June 1944. Also served in the Pacific.


King L A. Leading Seaman; Ser No C/JX 379424; Piloting a LCA; DSM for gallantry at action on the Dutch Coast in 1944 (believed to be Operation Infatuate - Walcheren).


Knibbs E. Marine; Ser No PO/X 116173; 536 LCA Flotilla RM, LCA 866; D-Day landings Sword beach, HMS Empire Cutlass. Also Pacific Force X attached to the US 7th Fleet.

Knutsen O K. Korporal; No. 5 (Norwegian) Troop of No. 10 Inter-Allied Commando. D-Day & Walcheren. (Norwegian).


Laming F A. Pte; Ser No 897518; Gordons & 9 Commando; Africa and Italy.

Lankester P. Leading Seaman Coxswain; LCM (Landing Craft Mechanised); LCM Flotilla 143/665; North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Southern France. Demobbed mid 1946.


Law P E. Telegrapher; Ser No JK358525; RN Landing Craft. Served on LCG 14.


Learmouth W. AB; Ser No JX33276?; RN. Survived sinking of landing craft post D Day.


Leo Lewis. LAC; Ser No 1727259. Enlisted 21 July 1942 and released March 1946, 3207 RAF Servicing Commando; Burma & India 1944/45. RIP 2006.



Lightfoot R. Sgt. 358718. RAF regular from 1924 including service in Murmansk, Russia with 151 Wing. Responded to an RAF appeal - Volunteers wanted in all trades for units to be formed to service aircraft under hazardous conditions. Served in Combined Operations, 3210 RAF Servicing Commando Unit from April 1943 until August 1945. Served in three theatres of World War 2 - the Arctic, Normandy & Burma. Discharged from active service in February 1949 'exemplary' after further stints in North Africa and Middle East. He died 4th September 1967 in Oxford.

Luke, Ivor Lewis; Leading Landing Craft Wireman; North Africa, Sicily, Italy (Salerno, Anzio), Elba, France – on LCT 389 for 3 years. Mentioned in Dispatches. Passed 2019 aged 96; ‘ just conked out’. RIP.




MacDonald I M. 5 Commando; Returned to his home in Kenya after the war.



Madden, Terence.  JX208984. Born in Newfoundland, Canada. Service record applied for to provide accurate information, meantime Terence Madden is believed to have been a signaller in Egypt (STAG Division K and HMS Saunders). Some reference to RN Beach Commandos. He joined the RN in 1940 and went to the UK for training. In 1941 he was posted to Kabret, Egypt. He was severely injured in 1943 and shipped back to England and then home to Newfoundland. In the group training photo taken before postings, Terence is no. 19 and his brother in law, Cyril Williams, is no. 6. Cyril went on to serve in the Far East.

Maddison Raymond, AB, Served on a landing craft taking troops to Sword Beach with Lord Lovat's Commandos, as part of Combined Ops. He volunteered and was 19 years old on D Day.  DoB 15/11/1924. He also served on HMS Swiftsure in the Pacific Fleet and went into Hong Kong harbour to ensure the surrender of the Japanese.  He also witnessed the aftermath of the atomic bomb at Nagasaki.


Maguire S. A/CMM (CPO); Ser No V27093; RCNVR 80th Flotilla; 1941-45. Canadian.

Maines H. Cpl; Ser No 4197433; No 1 Commando; North France, Operation Torch, Burma. RIP 12/11/78.

Malindine Edward G, Captain, 1906 - 1970. Pre war he was a photographer for the London-based British newspaper  the Daily Herald. During WW2, he served as an official photographer for the War Office and was present during the Dunkirk evacuation, Operation Archery, the Commando raid on Vaagso, Norway and, early on D Day morning, he photographed the departure of the paratroops for the now famous operation to capture Pegasus Bridge, north of Caen in France... and much more.

Marsh J A. C/MX 504921. RN 20/04/43. Leading seaman attached to the Combined Operations Command (probably landing craft operations). Attended HMS Roseneath - a Combined Operations Shore Establishment in Scotland with pay etc processed through HMS Copra.

Marshall J. Leading Seaman; Ser No JX347439; Coxswain; HMS Raleigh, Drake, Dinosaur and Copra. Saw action on D-Day.


Martin F W Sr. Staff Sgt. USA.



Matthews O W. Petty Officer, J65223. Joined RN on 01/11/1917 as Boy 2nd. Class Telegraphist. Two World Tours – 1923/4 & 1925/6.  Fleet Reserve 1931 as Leading Tel. Mobilised Feb. 1938, joined D65 HMS Codrington Aug. ’39. Norway Campaign & Dunkirk (7 trips and control offshore). Seconded 1941 to No.1 Combined Training Centre, Inveraray as Petty Officer Telegraphist. 1942 moved to Dundonald (Troon) and finally to Staines where he was released on 09/04/1945.



Matthews R. RN, 1916 - 1986, Yeoman of Signals, HMS Kingsmill, landed on D Day, second wave. Seconded to Combined Ops and billeted on the lawns of the chateau in Meuvaines to establish and maintain communications. Then made his way through N France just behind the German line as towns were liberated, to Calais eventually, where he was stationed in the lighthouse. (Diana Mellor, nee Matthews).

Maycock, George William. RNVR. Commando attached to 47 RM Cdo D-Day and Walcheren. Stood down in 1947 then recalled for Korea though served in Hong Kong BCC 1952-4. On return to the UK, served in various RNR Units until demobbed aged 55 in 1981 as Commander of HMS Scotia at Rosyth. RIP 4th April 1996. PDF.

McAllister W H C. Pte; Ser No 842944; No 9 Commando 5Troop. RIP 08/01/99.

McCausland W. LAC; Ser No 621687; RAF & Combined Ops. Enlisted Belfast 1938, joined Combined Ops and in 1943 was attached as an LAC to 69 , Salerno Landing, operation Avalanche. Discharge 1946 from 213 squadron. RIP 1975.


McLean, John. AB; Ser no JX234854/CO; Royal Navy. Attached to Combined Operations Command for Landing Craft Assault Training at HMS Northney, Hayling Island and HMS Quebec, Inveraray and subsequent operations. Awards: 1939-1945 Star, Atlantic Star, France Bar, Africa Star (Operation Torch), Italy Star (Operations Husky & Avalanche).


McClendon Richard W. CPO; Mar 1942 to 1964. Marine for 3 years. During WW2, he served aboard US LCI (L) 319,  US LCI (L) 189 and US LCI (L) 89 and took part in the Normandy beach landings in June 1944.. Also served aboard the General Weigel and the USS Thetis. Trained as a radio operator. He was truly part of the greatest generation. May he rest in peace...

McDermott, John Bernard. R219469.

McGinnis W D. Attached No 1 Commando; US 34 Infantry Div. Op Torch (North Africa). USA.

McKamey C L Sr. United States Navy; RM2 (Radio Man, 2nd Class in photo); Sicily, Italy & Normandy (Sword, Gold & Juno beaches). Assigned to U.S. Naval Amphibious Forces, European and Pacific Theaters with Amphibious Landing Small Boats and Demolition Teams. Commands attached to: USS LST3, USS LST347, USS LST352, USS LST385, LCI's, LCT's, LCVP's, 3rd, 5th, and 8th Armies and U.S. Army Ranger Commands. He 'acquired' the motorbike from a German messenger in North Africa and used it throughout the war! Retired from the Navy in 1966 as a RMCS (Senior Chief Radioman). RIP 4th December, 1989.

McKenzie G. Sgt; Ser No 2748467;  2nd Para Battalion; DCM (11/42 Tunisia) & MM (02/42 Bruneval).

McLaughlin P.E. (Phillip). Served on Landing Craft Tank (Rocket) - LCT(R) 452 during D Day operations. The Gunfire Support Group, of which it was part, split and 452 was assigned to Oboe for close support on Sword Beach. These LCT(R)s were USA craft turned over to British Royal Navy use in the months after the invasion. Phil participated in 3 wars before retiring. Further information about USA Rocket Craft at https://www.combinedops.com/US%20LANDING%20CRAFT%20ROCKET.htm

Merchant H P. AB; Crew member and forward gunner on  LCI (L). Served in European & Pacific theatres of war. RIP 29/04/16.

Mehlert F J. CPO; Ser No CMX 5017 CEMM; Motor Mechanic/Engineer; HMS Mylodon RN (Combined Ops) Training Establishment. Served 1943 to 1946. RIP 28/12/16.


Merry W E. JX 382962; RN 131 Flotilla;1942-1945.

Miles G J. Leading Seaman; P/SSX 30846; RN (Naval Commando). Coxswain on Tank Landing Craft. RIP 1981.

Miles W J. AB; RN  Portsmouth Division; Gold beach (Launched from Princess Margaret), Walcheran, Antwerp, Rhine crossing (wounded), Java, Sumatra, Malaya, India. RIP 25/06/07.

Mills Leonard. RAF Leading Aircraftsman - LAC (Combined Operations). D Day. (More information will be added when available).



Mitchinson N R. CPO; Ser No V8986; RCNVR; Dieppe, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Normandy and South France. Cox’n on LCI (L) 271, Flotilla 264, on D-Day. (1919 – 2008).

Mooney P. PO;  Royal Navy (Motor Mechanic); KIA Operation Chariot, St Nazaire 28th March 1942.

Moore R D J. Leading Radio Mechanic; Ser No. JX342479 / MX634992; RN Combined Operations; Signals Maintenance Unit, Attached Signals Officer G2 Force [Morice] maintenance unit on D-Day. HMS Odyssey as Acting Petty Office Radio Mechanic 28 August 44 – 11 September 1944. HMS Odyssey was an accounting base in the Collingwood Hotel, Ilfracombe / London Naval Party [Source; Shore Establishments of the Royal Navy by Lt Cdr B Warlow RN.]

Moreton W G. AB; JX 328617; Royal Navy; HMS Indomitable, LCG 5 & LCG 18.

Morris W. Pte; Ser No 2756712; Blackwatch (Parachutist); Attached C Batallion Layforce L Detachment.  POW Nov 1941. MM for escape/evasions and Special Operations, (Actions with Partisans in Italy).

Muddle C. LAC; Ser No 1655091; FDT 216; Posted to India after 216 was sunk off Normandy.

Mullett R W. 45 Royal Marine Commando in Italy, North Africa and Normandy escorting the Americans on landing craft. Lived a full life until 1994. Middle row far right in photo.


Napper F. Leading Stoker; P/SKX276; RN/Combined Operations Command; LCAs in Scicily, Salerno and D-Day, gold beach. Born in 1921. RIP 26th October 2019.

NEIL James Gilmour, Acting Leading Seaman, (P/SSX.35616). Member of COPP 8. Mentioned in Dispatches on 20th February 1945. Served 26 years in the Royal Navy in total. Prior to joining he was an apprentice electrician in the Clydeside shipyards.


Newman W L. Pte; Queens Own Cameron Highlanders, D Company; Military Medal. Dieppe 19/8/42. POW.

Norman R T G. W/O; Ser No PO/X102244(T); No 3 Troop RM Eng. Commando; 16 theatres of war. See Commando Service. Certificate. RIP 1983.

Nugent J. S/Sgt. Ser No 13119435; 101 Royal Pioneer Beach Assault Group; 22 Beach Brigade.


Oakley K. Royal Naval Beach Commando; RIP 2007.

O'Marah A J. TSM; Ser No 4185353; No1 Commando; RWF & 142 Commando Company, Burma.


Openshaw J H. AB; Ser No JX521740; Signaller, HMS COPRA 02/01/44 to 15/11/45. D-Day on Normandy beaches during initial assault, providing landing craft with reliable navigational data. RIP 22/11/02.

Ormandy, David Leslie; Able Seaman, known as 'Flash' to his comrades because he ran everywhere! Completed his basic training at HMS Ganges, assigned to Combined Operations Command, further training at Hayling Island on small landing craft, posted to Sussex, Kent Coast, landings in France to collect information for D Day, possibly with members of COPPs. Volunteered for RN Paratroopers, full, reassigned to RN Commandos, trained at HMS Armadillo, Ardentinny before being posted to the Far East with Victor 2 Commando.

Orton J. L/Cpl; Ser No 2819656; No 11 Commando. Later L Det  SAS Brigade.Reported missing in action 16/11/41 on the Timimi/Gazala raid (Operation Crusader). Later confirmed as a PoW. On release transferred to the RASC until 24/05/47. 

Orton K W. Royal Marines. Served in the Mediterranean after the long route around South Africa. RIP 18/01/16 Aged 90.


Page M C. AB. Ser No P/JX 428125.  Served on HMS Royal Ulsterman and was Mentioned in Despatches for distinguished service, leadership and devotion to duty. RIP 1990s.

Parker J. 2nd TAF 121/ 122 Wing of the RAF Servicing Commandos; France on D-Day +2 at Le Fresne Camilly airfield, Volkel in Holland and Copenhagen.

Parks G R. Royal Marine Commando; Served on Landing Craft at Sword Beach and then in the Pacific until September 1945.

Parr S. Temp Lt (DSC 4/11/44); Ser No JX264305; RNVR; HM LCT 379, HM LCT 369 and HM LCT 304. OiC of HM LCG 5 and HM LCG 18.

Parris Henry Walter. HMS Largs; Army radio operator 1941-45. RIP1996. After the war he took up a place at Oxford University which he deferred on joining up. He didn't pass officer entry to the Army because he was 'totally lacking in aggression". He was very proud of that! 

Patterson JG. Shipwright Gd 4; MX 90564; HMS Copra & numerous Combined Operations bases.


Peace J. Cpl; No 8 Commando; Ex Coldstream Guards. RIP 1982.

Peachey F. L/Sgt (MM & Bar); Ser No 3654154; 2 commando 4 troop (South Lancs.Regt); St Nazaire, Salerno, Vaagso, and Op Butcher Germany.

Peek AJ. Able Seaman; Ser No P/JX 553825; Royal Navy. Enlisted June 1943 and assigned to Combined Operations. Trained with 19th Landing Barge Vehicle (LBV) Flotilla until 24th May 1944. Reassigned to 10th LBV Flotilla 25th May 1944. Sailed from Poole to Omaha Beach 6th June 1944. Returned to UK August 1944. Then assigned to LST 331 on 27th Feb 1945for Singapore. Was at Singapore on Armistice Day 1945. Returned to UK on HMS Bulolo. Discharged May 1946. RIP 1997.

Peel S E. Leading Stoker; Ser No D/KX129758; RN Assault group G.2; DSM for courage and undaunted devotion to duty. (1911-1983).

Percival J F. Sick Berth Attendant (KA 'Doc'); Combined Ops on LCG (Landing Craft Gun)13, LCG9, LCG10 & LCG12; Sicily, Italy, Malta, Normandy & Walcheren. RIP11/9/2009. LCG19 (for information).


Petty A H. ABS; Ser No V.54229; RCN Beach Commando W Canada. RIP 3/11/11.

Phillips W P A. LAC; Ser No 1477035; HMS Largs 1941-1946; Torch, Corkscrew, Husky, Avalanche, Overlord, Dragoon, Argonaut, Dracula & Zipper. RIP 15/5/06.

Pilling S. Leading Seaman; Ser No C/JX256386; Royal Navy & Combined Operations Command; Born in Manchester, Volunteered for RN on 30 Mar 41, age 29. Initially trained at Raleigh, selected for Combined Operations and trained at HMS Quebec and HMS Dinosaur by Mar 42. Listed as AB on LCT121(5) at Dieppe 19 Aug 1942, and Coxswain for LCT859 on 6 June 1944, D-Day, Sword Beach. Stan saw service on several other LCTs and LCFs before being released in Feb 46. Sadly Stan Died 10 Nov 1963, but is still much missed by his family.

Polglaze R. A/B; RN; HMS Aristocrat on D-Day + Mulberry Harbours.

Plumb Harry C.W.T, WW2 Veteran Service number 1232191. Rank: Corporal - Royal Air Servicing Commando Unit 3232. Served in North Africa, Malta, Sicily and Italy. RIP 2004.


Poolton J A. Pte; Ser No B67587; Royal Regiment of Canada; Dieppe, Prisoner of War, Stalag VIIIB. Survived ordeal. Passed away aged at 87 in 2005.

Port J. Pte; Ser No 2991563; 5th Troop, 9 Commando; Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. RIP 1973.

Prentice J C E. SQMS; Ser No 24329427; Royal Signals. Served within Combined Ops, 4th Ships Signals Section; HMS Goatland, HMS Lothian, HMS Persimmon & all HQ ships.

Price A G. PO; Ser No JX129595; RN Landing Craft.

Price Tom. D-Day, Operation Neptune, First Lieutenant on a landing Craft Rocket (LCR); later Commander of LCR 405 during Operation Dragoon in Southern France. In civilian life he made a great contribution in promoting the educational value of adventure and mountaineering. RIP 30/07/13 aged 94.

Purdom R S. Coxswain; RN Landing Craft; Normandy, Gold Beach. RIP 7/6/09.

Pygall, Robert Henry, Royal Marine Commando [PO/X117704]. LCA stoker-mechanic attached to HMS Prins Albert. Landed troops at Juno beach on D-Day before serving in Burma and Malaysia through 1945. RIP 2025.



Radford KW. Pte; Ser No CH/X109608; Royal Marines Combined Operations; Served on Landing Craft Flak (LCF) 29 based at Poole, Dorset. England. At Normandy, Overlord, landings on 6th June 1944 in support of Canadian Forces landing on JUNO Beach. Was also on LCF 29 at Walcheren in October/November 1944. Passed away 25th October 2012 RIP.

Ralph T. AB Radar; Ser No PJX 305939; RN; North Africa, Pantelleria, Sicily, Italy, Malta, Overlord Normandy (Sword Beach HQ Ship HMS Largs).

Rand L J. A/B; Ser No PJX 514714; RN; HMS Aristocrat on D-Day + Mulberry Harbours.

Rees L N. Sub Lt; RNVR . Ordinary Seaman 10th M L Flotilla Coastal Forces HMS Black Bat.  Sub Lt. HMS Lochailort,  HMS Quebec,  HMS Amzari Vizagapatan India  LCT Skipper.


Reid F F. Royal Marines, Burma.


Richards H. J Group RN Commandos; Photo; Harry at Courselles sur Mer on 06/06/05 - the location where he landed on D Day. RIP 2014.


Rimmer J E. Leading Seaman; Ser No V23932; RCNVR / Combined Operations; Known as Jack. 1941-1945, 80th Flotilla. RIP 27 July 2017. Canada.


Rodaway W F. AB; Ser No JX192749; RN Landing Craft; HMS Prins Albert  from 19/8/41 to 7/1/45.


Rowling E. Sub Lt RNVR; Ser No JX271458; RN Landing Craft; HM LCI(S) 502 on D-Day (Queen Red in area Sword). HM LCI(L) 04 (in command) Jan 1945 to March 1946.


Sadler W (Bill). No 6 Commando 2 Troop, Gunner.

Sandeman, Richard Fraser. C/JX 238676; RNVR, Temp Lieutenant, LCT force Combined Operations Messina, Dec 1943/1944. Served aboard LCT 559, LCT380, LCI (L) 280 et al. MBE.


Sandquest R. Leading Wireman. Ser No MX 616068; RN/Combined Operations; Service record.

Saunders A G. Pte; Ser No 5190505; No 3 Commando; Lofoten, Vaagso, Sicily, Italy, Overlord & Germany. RIP 1977.

Scott H. WO; Ser No 525496; Conspicuous Gallantry Medal; RAF Dundonald, Ayrshire (Bogside) Known as Scotty.

 Scott J H. HDML 1301 Op Brassard, Elba, Mediterranean.

Shankland G M. No 4 Commando Unit.



Sharples J H. PO; Ser No D/JX 136338; RN Telegraphist; RIP 29/8/44 in 2nd General Hospital, Caserta, Italy. Interred Caserta War Cemetery.


Shears D L. Pilot RNZAF; 428 RCAF Sqd & 516 Squadron; Memories of a Pilot RIP 8/6/06.

Shepherd D C. Corporal; Ser No 1575093; RAF Servicing Commando (Armourer) Normandy June 1944.

Simpson R. Telegraphist; RN attached to Combined Operations; HMS Locust a LS (Landing Ship) HQ Ship off Sword Beach on D-Day; emergency beach communications at Mulberry B. Later drafted into 25th Dragoons in India as DD (Swimming Tank) driver/operator as part of the cancelled 'Zipper' Operation. RIP 18/11/10.

Sims W. AB Seaman; Ser No JX355140; RN (Combined Operations) Landing Craft.

Slater D G W. Lt; 'COPPist' RNVR; COPP6. RIP 30th May 2007.

Smallman W H. AB; Ser No JX 380389; RN Beach Commando. Started in O(boe) and after the Elba Landings he was sent to F(ox) Commando Group.

Smith F W T. Lt; Ser No MX68176; RNVR & Combined Operations; HMS Stag Div K, HMS Saunders, HMS Victory, HMS Drake. RIP 21/6/2009.


Smith R G. Stoker 1st Class; Ser No C/KX571807; RN Landing Craft; Normandy Overlord and Burma. RIP 1997.


Snelle W. Temp Lt;  Ser No PO/JX213252; RNVR & Combined Operations; Landing Craft Flotilla Officer 128th LCA; DSC Sicily. RIP 1997.

South E H J (Jim). No 6 Commando 2 Troop. Gunner.

Spackman C. PO; Ser No C/MX501835; RN Landing Craft, LCT(A) 2039 - sunk D-Day.

Spring A E. 11 (Scottish) Commando. Parachute Regiment; Litani River.


Spurgeon M R. PO - Yeoman of Signals; Ser No JX132558; RN & Combined Operations; Signals Instructor HMS Dundonald 2 & HMS Pasco '43 - '45. RIP 1987.

Squires J. Telegraph Operator on HMS Largs.

Stanhope E D. Flt/Sgt. Ser No 540957; Royal Air Servicing Commando; RAFSC Unit 3201; RAFSC.

Staples D. Coxswain. Ser No Po/X104326; Royal Marine 1941-1946; Served on LCM(1) served on RFA Dewdale Flotilla 690. Also involved in Burma, Singapore, Italy, North Africa. Passed away 1975 RIP.

Starkey A H. Temp Acting Leading Seaman; Ser No JX372473/CO; RN & Combined Operations Command; Served on LCG 19. Awarded the DSM. RIP 11/01/16.


Stevens R R L. Light Ack Ack Regiment; D-Day, Holland.

Stockwell B W. QM; Ser NoCJX542598; RN & Combined Operations; Landing Craft Tank LST 430. RIP 28/03/12.

Stone B. Corp. Fit 11E; Ser No 1283743; Royal Air Servicing Commando, RAFSC Unit 3208.


Taylor J A (Jonny). Royal Navy (Combined Operations Landing Craft) - Stoker.

Taylor R J. Able Seaman, Ser No PJ X324712. Royal Navy Commando. Operations Husky, Avalanche (landing with X British Corps 09/09/1943), Screwdriver & Screwdriver 2 in Burma, March 1944. Medals awarded were; Africa Star, Italy Star, Pacific Star, Burma Star, 1939-45 Star & War & Victory Medal. Photo; Wedding 17/08/44. RIP 27/12/98 aged 75.


Taylor R L. Able Seaman, Ser No R262985. RN. HMS Ubiquity, Admiralty Cable Ships HMS Abatos, HMS Runic 43-45, HMS Oceanic 45-46, PLUTO Fuel Pipeline. RIP 13/07/96.



Tee E H. Sgt; Ser No 1267277; 3201 RAF Servicing Commando; Mentioned in Despatches; signals; Known as Bill; 23/06/1905 to 12/05/1983.


Tett L F. No 4 and 6 Commando; 1927-1995.

Thomas P. Corporal; Ser No CH/X110591; 45 RM Commando and Special Service Brigade; See BBC Antiques Roadshow clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZbWnnJuk14


Thomas R H V. Flt/Lt; Ser No 123947; 462 RAAF Sqd (Middle East) & 516 Sqn; RIP Dec 2006.

Thompson M. Service number 5826923. No. 1 Commando, 4 troop. Saw action in the Tunisian campaign and Burma, including the battle for hill 170. He is 2nd from right, back row in group photo, One of 8 brothers who saw action in WW2.

Tierney J. No. SSX 19009 Royal Navy, service from 20th Oct 1936 – 23rd Jan 1946. HMS Pembroke 1 & 2 in Chatham UK, HMS Malabar (Boaz Island - Bermuda) and ships, HMS Pelican, HMS Penzance and HMS Diomede.  Combined Operations training at HMS Quebec (CTC Inveraray, Scotland.) Able Seaman 13th Dec 1941 - 3rd Nov 1942, A/Leading Seaman (CO.) 4th Nov 1942 - 4th Apr 1943, A/P.O. (CO.) (Ty) 5th Apr 1943 - 30 Jun 1943. HMS Copra as A/P.O. (CO.) (Ty) from 1st Jul 1943 - 23rd Jan 1946. Released in Class A then RFR No. B.29579 29th Jan 1946 - 19th Oct 1948 when he re-enrolled 20 Oct 1948 - 19 Oct 1953.

Tiner W A. Leading Seaman. Ser No A4322; RCNR; Landing Craft Infantry, LCI Helmsman; North Africa, Sicily and D-Day (Juno). On June 6 1944, Bill walked out of camp to marry his sweetheart Samantha (Sammy). However, the duty guard had other ideas and before long Bill was off to the Normandy  beaches leaving Sammy unawares at the alter! As the photo shows, they wed on the 2nd attempt. Sadly Bill passed away on 18/03/10. RIP.

Townsend B. Corporal; Royal Marines; HMS Glenearn on D-Day. Landing Craft coxswain. Also with ”X” Force on Glenearn & Empire Battleaxe.


Townsend R. REME 24th ABW part of SEAC; Seconded to Combined Ops for Operation ZIPPER August 1945 -  the invasion of Malaya.

Turnbull K. Stoker 1st Cl. Ser No KX161920; Royal Navy. Employed on landing craft in home waters followed by service in India and Singapore. Known as ‘Nipper’ to his friends and comrades in arms. RIP 1982  [If anyone has any knowledge of my father please contact me, bill@g3sbt.co.uk .]

Twyman S A J. Sub Lt; Ser No JX 386529; RNVR. Midshipman on LCT 2238. In 2004 was awarded the Legion d’Honneur. Born 27.7.1925. From Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Prominent Member and officeholder, Normandy Veterans Association. Passed away Nov 2013. RIP.


Unwin A. Private; Signaller; 14372794 Albert Unwin, formerly of the Middlesex Regt, served as a Radio Operator in F Troop No 4 Commando. He passed out of the CTC Achnacarry on 24th January 1944, he was wounded in Normandy and left Commando service on 29th November 1944 in medical category C2, later being assessed as B6, seeing out the war guarding SS Officer Prisoners at Crewe Hall. In Albert's Footsteps.

Urwin J R. Sub-Lt; Royal Naval 'Beach' Commando; RIP 2007.


Vaughan I. T/Lt; AB; Ser No D/JX 223760; Combined Ops, RNVR; 1942 Dieppe, 5th LCP (l) Flotilla; 1944 Normandy, Pointe De Hoc,  520th LCA Flotilla from LCI Ben My Chree; 1944 S. Beveland, E Schelt and Holland,  Force T 509th LCA Flotilla.

Vine E G. AB; Ser No JX 355938; RN & Combined Operations; HMS COPRA.


Wade, Edward George. AB; Royal Navy 11/42  to 5/46. Attached to Combined Operations and served on LCT 564 from 2/44 to 3/45 and LCT 2292 from 4/45 - 6/45.



Walton R B. A/PO RM(R); Ser No PMX672557; HMS COPRA 597 LCN  Served in Mountbatten's beach reconnaissance parties in Malaya to Singapore 1945.

Ward R G R. Ser No (Chatham) CMX99890. Commissioned new landing craft in the USA and took them to North Africa where he saw action. On D Day, served on LCT(R) 438 off Gold Beach where, despite being in support of the initial assault troops under hazardous enemy fire, he carried out his duties 'with no problems.' Later took landing craft to the Far East.

Ward T C. Cpl; Ser No CH/X105215(T); 46 RMC - 1st Commando Brigade.

Watts G R. Ser No JX 304965; R N Commando 'G3'; RIP 28/09/06.

Webster Thomas William. Stoker based at HMS Saunders on Egypt's Bitter Lakes south of the Suez canal (1941-43). Listed at various times with HMLS Glengyle, which served in the Mediterranean on numerous Commando raids and major landings. On return to the UK, he joined the 12th LCT flotilla; the only specific craft mentioned being LCT 7012 (1-31/10/44).


Whereatt S G. AB; Ser No D/JX.369940; RN & Combined Operations; Wacheren & LCT 979.


Whiten, Levi Reginald. Royal Marines 1940 - 1942. Then attached to the Combined Operations Command working in Ian Fleming's top secret 'snatch squads'. In 1943 he joined the Combined Operations Assault Pilotage Parties gathering intelligence on enemy held beaches to determine their suitability to carry heavy vehicles and tanks for planned invasions. On D-Day he landed with the first wave at Red Sector, King Section, Gold Beach. RIP 1983.

Whitman E R. Act/AB. Ser No JX428848/co; RN and Combined Operations; HMS Copra; 1925 - 1970.

Whiteley W. Leading Seaman; Ser No P/JX 330284; R N Commando; South East Asia Command; Force Z.



Wickham R H S. Sgt; Ser No 652277; RAF attached Combined Ops; Codes & ciphers including HQ ship HMS Hilary off Normandy. Later Far East & Bletchley Park.


Williams F G. Pilot; 516 Sqn & 198 Sqd; RIP 2007.

Williams J T. Cpl; Ser No PO/X 111957; 45 Royal Marine Commando; Mar '42 - Aug '46


Williams T G.  RNVR; HMS Saunders, Egypt. RIP 1974.


Wilson W L. Sgt; Ser No 4860042; No 4 Commando; RIP 8/87.

Windebank H M S. HMS Glendower for training then onto HMS Quebec.



Windebank S. LAC; HMS Largs, Sicily, Normandy, Sth France; RIP 8/07.

Wing C J W. AB; Ser No P/JX 321824; RN Commando  'L' Party (HMS Copra); Juno Beach & Walcheren (Westkapelle) 1/11/ 44. RIP 1978.

Witham F E. 41 RM Commando; Salerno, D Day (Lion Sur Mer) and Walcheren.

Wood A. Cpl; Ser No 931853; 11 Scottish Commando; Queens Own Cameron Highlanders. Litani Raid

Woodall G C. PO; Ser No DMX92147; RN & Combined Ops attached  HMS COPRA. RIP 24/1/06 aged 94.

Worsley S. Ser No PO/X121876; E troop, 45 RM Commando; Volunteered 19th October 1943 aged 20 "for hazardous duties." Landed Sword/ Queen/Red Beach from LCI 519 on D Day, Captured on 7th June 1944. POW at Marlag Ind Milag Nord in Germany. Escaped April1945. Died in 1999 aged 76.

Wright E. 9 Commando; Edwin Wright (Ted) RIP 2011.



Wright Frederick Dennis. Ser No; PLY/X111874. Joined RN 13th March 1943 aged 18 years. Trained; Lympstone, (558 Squad), HMS Mylodon, Lowestoft (652 Flotilla). HMS Sea Serpent, Birdham & Bracklesham (Post D Day Assault Ferry Service, 652 Flotilla). As a Lance Corporal and Coxswain of a Mk 3 LCM (Landing Craft Mechanised) in 652 Flotilla, his craft carried out 'ship to shore' supplies transfer (mainly ammunition and rations) onto Juno Beach.

Later trained in Infantry Brigade, Royal Marines and was deployed on 15 May 1945 to Kiel Navel Base in Germany, travelling overland from Ostend.


Yates D. Stoker 1st Cl; Ser No DKX161302; RN HMS Princess Astrid.


AB - Able Seaman, A/CMM - Acting Chief Motor Mechanic,  Att - Attached to, COPPs  Combined Operations Pilotage Parties, Cpl - Corporal, CPO - Chief Petty Officer, DSM - Distinguished Service Medal, FDT - Fighter Direction Tender, Flt/Sgt - Flight Sergeant, LAC - Leading Air Craftsman, LCG - Landing Craft Gun, MiD - Mentioned in Despatches, MM - Military Medal, PO - Petty Officer, Pte - Private, QM - Quarter Master, RAFSC - RAF Servicing Commando, Sgt - Sergeant, Sqn - Squadron, Trp - Troop and W/O - Warrant Officer.

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