Operations Memorial.
Index of Memorial Web Pages
you may want to know about the memorial is on this web page including historical information
about the design, construction and dedication of the memorial, mostly in the
form of photographs, together with information and advice on visiting
the memorial and fundraising in support of its future maintenance. All donations and other financial contributions are accounted for
on the 'How to Donate' page listed below.
Together, we are remembering them!
[A veteran makes a supreme effort to honour his
fallen comrades by laying a wreath at the dedication ceremony].
The Memorial Today
Visiting the Memorial.
Get the most out
of your visit by being aware of parking, facilities in the National Memorial
Arboretum Visitors' Centre, help for elderly, disabled and infirm visitors and
the location of the memorial. There is a charge for parking but entry to the
Visitors' Centre and the Arboretum grounds is free, although voluntary donations
are welcome.
How to Donate.
The memorial construction, dedication ceremony
and in perpetuity routine maintenance (grass cutting,
weeding, grouting etc) have been fully funded from public
donations of around £30,000. The Memorial Fund now becomes a
contingency fund to cover future repairs to the memorial
fabric such as the mosaic, information board and dedication
plaque. It's been a great collective effort. Thank you!
"Combined Operations - A Normandy Beachhead."
An evocative painting of a D-Day beach landing by
military artist, David
A Thorp, generously donated by him to the Combined Operations Memorial Fund. Prints of
various sizes are available to order on line or by post, including
limited edition prints.
Historical Information
Archive - Fundraising.
See the fundraising wall donations and details of fund raising events. The
memorial was entirely funded from public donations in the UK and overseas
and from the proceeds of fund raising events - a magnificent example of a
successful 'Combined Operation' that raised over £21,000 pounds.
Memorial Archive - Design & Construction.
See the memorial when it was just a pile of
stones in a quarry on the shores of Loch Fyne in Scotland. This was the area
where Commandos trained in the rugged mountains and 250,000 Royal Navy and Army servicemen
trained together in landing craft operations with air support from the RAF. See the memorial under
construction and learn of the symbolism in its design and the materials
used. Even the variety of trees used in the design is significant.
Dedication Ceremony - A Photographic Record of the Day's Events.
was a heart warming experience to meet and greet WW2 veterans, their
families and friends. They engaged in animated discussion
with each other in the refreshment marquee before the ceremony as memories flooded back.
However, there was a palpable change in the atmosphere as wreaths were laid in
remembrance of their fallen comrades and some tears too, exposing the
rawness of their memories after so many years.
Dedication Ceremony - General Barrons' Speech.
An incisive précis of the history, organisation,
development and achievements of Combined Operations and its
surprising relevance to the very different challenges faced by today's Joint
Forces Command.
Perpetuity Maintenance Agreement.
The routine
maintenance of the memorial, such as grass cutting, weeding, grouting and 'thermatic'
cleaning of the structures, will be undertaken by the National Memorial
Arboretum in accordance with the agreement signed in February 2021. Repairs
to the memorial structures will remain the responsibility of the Combined
Operations Memorial Fund for which donations
are very welcome.
Special Thanks.
everyone, who contributed to the memorial in donations, fundraising events,
support and encouragement...