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Memorial donations of around £27,500 funded construction, dedication and routine ground maintenance in perpetuity.

  Donate here to a small contingency fund to repair and maintain the memorial structures as and when required.

Donate to the Upkeep of the Combined Ops Memorial.

The Combined Operations Memorial Fund

The Combined Operations Memorial shortly after the dedication ceremony in July 2013.

The memorial construction, dedication ceremony and 'in perpetuity routine maintenance' (grass cutting, weeding, grouting etc) have been fully funded from public donations of around £27,500. Links to all this information can be found on the Memorial Index Page.

The Memorial Fund now enters it's third iteration; 1) Construction & Dedication Ceremony, 2) Maintenance & Development and now 3) a Contingency Fund to cover future repairs to the memorial fabric such as the mosaic, information board and dedication plaque. It's been an amazing collective effort over the best part of 20 years. Thank you! We will remember them.

[The top photo is of the memorial in July 2013 after the dedication ceremony and, below, in 2022].

How to Donate.

1. Electronic transfer


The account details are: Combined Operations Memorial Fund; sort code 08 92 99; account number 65229169 with The Cooperative Bank.

Please let me know when your donation has gone through so  I can add details to the record below. Thank you.


IBAN - GB08 CPBK 0892 9965 2291 69


Combined Operations Memorial Fund

Please let me know when your donation has gone through so I can add details to the record below. Thank you.

 2. PayPal

No Paypal account is needed to donate by credit or debit card. Please click on the button opposite and follow the instructions. Your full payment will be credited to the Memorial Maintenance Development Fund below on confirmation by Paypal. Paypal fees will be paid by the website manager.


Date                      Income     Expenditure     Balance       Source

26/02/25                 20.00                                  655.20         Paul Goff imo Robert Henry Pygall, Royal Marine Commando, PO/X117704.

29/01/25                 20.00                                  635.20         Robert Bradford {Canada)

04/01/25                   5.00                                  615.20         Sean J Slee

30/07/24                 50.00                                  610.20         Ian McHarg imo military artist David A Thorp

29/06/24                 50.00                                  560.20         John Rawlinson (Royal Marine Historical Society)

08/06/24                 50.00                                  510.20         Caroline Brennan

30/05/24                 20.00                                  460.20         Michael Norman

29/05/24                 20.00                                  440.20         Barry Abbots

28/05/24                 20.00                                  420.20         Edmond Tinlin

28/04/24                 50,00                                  400.20         Alan Oliver

22/04/24                 20.00                                  350.20         Janet Snell

02/04/24                 20.00                                  330.20         Linda Spence

24/02/24                 90.20                                  310.20         Anonymous

14/02/24                 10.00                                  220.00         Jonathan Thomas

22/10/23                 10.00                                  210.00         Ian Wolff

15/09/23                 20.00                                  200.00         The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military Museum

07/08/23                 25.00                                  180.00         Liam Canning

01/07/23               120.00                                  155.00         Christine Cahil

27/06/23                 25.00                                    35.00         Geirr Haarr

19/05/23                 10.00                                    10.00          Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions.



Date                      Income     Expenditure     Balance       Description


19/05/23                  99.80                                  00.00            Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions.

07/05/23                100.00                                -99.80            North East War Memorials Project www.newmp.org.uk (286873)

15/04/23                 25.00                                -199.80            David Hickman (286872)

17/03/23                10.00                                -224.80            Colin Bal (286871)

27/02/23                50.00                                -234.80           Bryan Matthews (286870)

07/02/23              100.00                                -284.80           North One TV, London. (286869)

03/12/22               10.00                                 -384.80           Glenn Richards (Rec 286867)

06/11/22               10.00                                 -394.80           Frank Gawthorpe (Rec 286866)

26/10/22               10.00                                 -404.80            Frank Napper (Rec 286865)

27/08/22               20.00                                 -414.80            Rosalind Edwards (Rec 286864)

11/07/22               20.00                                 -434.80            Stuart Ramsden (Rec 286863)

06/07/22               15.00                                 -454.80            Craig Dunham (Rec 286862)

05/07/22               30.20                                 -469.80            John Baker (Rec No 286861).

23/06/22               20.00                                 -500.00            Frank Donald, Lt Cdr RN Retd imo AB Leslie Mortimer, HMLCT 703.

17/06/22             100.00                                 -520.00            The Wright family imo Frank Dummett & Jack Wright. (Rec No 286859)

08/06/22               50.00                                 -620.00            Dawn Mullins imo her father, AW Woodrow. (Rec No 286858)

03/06/22               25.00                                 -670.00            Peter Milne (Rec No 286857)

03/06/22               50.00                                 -695.00            John Curtis (Rec No 286856)

27/05/22               50.00                                 -745.00            Bruce Cook (Rec No 286855)

13/05/22             100.00                                 -795.00            John Booth Arboricultural Consultants Ltd., Derby (Rec No 286854)

14/04/22               10.00                                - 895.00            David S Laker (Receipt No 286853)

15/01/22             100.00                                - 905.00            Patric McGonigal (Receipt No 286852)   

12/01/22               50.00                                -1005.00           Paul Kefford (Receipt No 286851)

08/01/22               25.00                                -1055.00           John M Barlow (Receipt No 286850)

30/12/21               05.00                                -1080.00           Robert Singleton (Receipt No 286849)

19/12/21               30.00                                -1085.00           Brenda Cogswell (Receipt No 286848)

04/12/21               10.00                                -1115.00           Andy Ormandy (Receipt No 286847)

12/11/21             150.00                                -1125.00           Robert Hinchcliffe (Receipt No 286846)

03/11/21               20.00                                -1275.00            Angela Levett (Receipt No 286845)

23/10/21               50.00                                -1295.00            Antony Wallace (Receipt No 286844)

20/10/21                5.00                                 -1345.00            Andrew Wallace (Receipt No 286843)

30/09/21               62.75                                -1350.00            Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286842)

29/09/21               20.00                                -1412.75            James Madden (Receipt No 286841)

24/08/21             100.00                                -1432.75            Mrs Jill E Adshead-Grant (Receipt No 286840)

03/08/21                                   50.00           -1532.75            Richard Stimpson - Information Display Board Repair

27/07/21             500.00                               -1482.75            Sheila Stockdale, New Zealand (Receipt No 286839)

20/07/21              20.00                                -1982.75            Lesley Annette  Partridge (nee Mills) (Receipt No 286838)

17/07/21              67.90                                -2002.75            Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286837)

13/07/21          1764.44                                -2070.65            Proceeds from Just Giving Campaign

29/06/21             50.00                                 -3835.09            Trevor Stone (Receipt No 286836)

12/04/21             30.00                                 -3885.09            Malcolm Bills (Receipt 286835)

12/03/21           220.00                                 -3915.09            Derek Wallis (Receipt 286834)

17/02/21             15.00                                 -4135.09            Patrick O'Shea (Receipt No 286833)

05/02/21                              6135.09            -4150.09            NMA Maintenance Agreement (Interest free loan) (Receipt 286832)

27/01/21             30.00                                 1985.00             Jerry Wells (Receipt No 286831)

14/01/21             20.00                                 1955.00             Michael McCormick (Receipt No 286830)

17/11/20             25.00                                 1935.00             Gavin Luke (Receipt No 286829)

28/10/20            150.00                                1910.00             Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286827)

17/10/20             20.00                                 1760.00             Jerry Wells (PP ID 93607 Rcpt No 286826)

04/09/20             30.00                                 1740.00             Robert Couch (PP ID 9314E Rcpt No 286825)

10/05/20            10.00                                  1710.00             Philip Stallard, (Paypal ID ending 9863U. Receipt No 286824)

30/04/20          100.00                                  1700.00             Ivian Smith, USA.  (Receipt No 286823)

26/02/20          200.00                                  1600.00             Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286822.)

05/11/19            30.00                                  1400.00             Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286821.)

08/10/19            20.00                                  1370.00             Gerry Wells on behalf of James Shankland. (Receipt No 286820.)

22/08/19            50.00                                  1350.00             Ian Price (Receipt No 286819). IMO of Wren, Gladys Irene Croft.

29/07/19            50.00                                  1300.00             Antonia Filmer (By Cheque Receipt Number 286818).

12/06/19            50.00                                  1250.00             Brenda Gordon (By cheque. Receipt No 286817).

06/06/19          150.00                                  1200.00             Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Receipt No 286816.)

06/06/19            50.00                                  1050.00              Pam & Mike Wright & Jenny Robinson & Family. (Rcpt No 286815.)

29/03/19            61.39                                  1000.00              Combined Ops Membership Subscriptions. (Rcpt No 286814.)

28/03/19            20.00                                    938.61              Simon Forty (Paypal ID ending B0217911. Receipt No 286813).

05/01/19            20.00                                    918.61              Gavin Stokes (Paypal ID ending K3204012. Receipt No 286812).

28/11/18            20.00                                    898.61              Martin Lewis (Paypal ID ending 347942. Receipt No 286811).

25/11/18            50.00                                    878.61              Author Scott Addington ( Receipt No 286810).

07/10/18            25.00                                    828.61              Ronald Windebank  (Receipt No 288909)

22/09/18            30.00                                    803.61              David Beadle, (Receipt No 286808). IMO, Maj Ian NN Beadle

04/06/18            50.00                                    773.61              Katherine MacKay (Pp ID ending X099970C, Rcpt No 286807)

13/04/18            25.00                                    723.61              Mrs J Speck (Receipt No 286806 for £95.00 for this + 2 entries below)

13/04/18            20.00                                    698.61              Mr & Mrs R O'Donnell for veteran Charles Bostrom's 100th birthday.

13/04/18            50.00                                    678.61              Mrs E M Bostrom for veteran Charles Bostrom's 100th birthday.

29/01/18           100.00                                   628.61              Veteran J V Dalling. (Cheque No 100814 - Receipt No 286804).

01/11/17             50.00                                   528.61               Mr D C Beadle, Norway. (Cheque No 000400 - Receipt No 286803).

24/10/17                               151.39               478.61               Signs Now - Replacement Memorial Information Display

29/09/17            30.00                                    630.00               Mr R M Tarry, (Cheque No 103526 - Receipt No 286802 ).

20/07/17            57.55                                    600.00               Combined Operations Membership Subscriptions

20/07/17            80.00                                    542.45               Mrs E M Turner [Large Print] (Cheque  No 001620).

17/06/17            50.00                                    462.45               Wade Kinnear (Paypal ID ending K0944750S)

03/04/17            50.00                                    412.45               Val Lancaster (Paypal ID ending MF478921X).

01/03/17          110.00                                    362.45               Providence Picture Frame Co (Paypal ID ending D377092F).

12/02/17          100.00                                    252.45               Combined Operations Membership Subscriptions.

12/02/17           25.00                                     152.45               Richard Hope (Paypal ID ending W169811P).

31/01/17          127.45                                                              Balance carried forward from the Memorial Construction Fund.

All transactions, income and expenditure, will be accounted for in the above statement. Every donation will be accounted for by donors name unless advised otherwise. As before, two signatures are required to authorise expenditure.

The original Memorial Fund, for the construction of the memorial and hospitality for 200 guests at the dedication ceremony, was set up in 2006. The target of £21,128 was achieved, indeed exceeded on 31/01/17 with the surplus of £127.45 becoming the opening balance of this fund as detailed above.


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Photo of single poppy.Combined Operations Handbook (Far East)

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