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Memorial donations of around £27,500 funded construction, dedication and routine ground maintenance in perpetuity.

  Donate here to a small contingency fund to repair and maintain the memorial structures as and when required.

Volunteers Required for Research and Webpage Drafting.

Volunteers with an interest in WW2 history are invited to contact me for information about researching and writing pages for this website.

WW2 Combined Operations is an immense subject of interest to many people worldwide. Around 400,000 visits are made to the website each year. There are many 'Combined Ops' stories worthy of adding to the website, which are presently less accessible in books, public records, archives, personal papers and on various websites. To unlock all of these stories is beyond our resources.

Some of the pages on the website started off as very brief accounts amounting to just a few hundred words. Subsequent comments and contributions from website visitors have seen some pages grow hugely in length and quality of content. The best example is PLUTO [Pipeline under the Ocean], which started life as a 300 word summary. It has been added to greatly since then and it has spawned two other pages -  'PLUTO Resurrected' and 'PLUTO Pipeline Manufacturing Machines,' both of which can be accessed from the PLUTO page.

There are around 200 pages on the website with room for at least another 50. The greatest contribution you can make is not, surprisingly, in writing the pages to the point of perfection... it's in researching, assembling the information into logical sequence and preparing a rough draft or even headings with related facts, information and opinion. We are also very happy to receive final drafts from those who wish to produce them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal for help. If you'd like more information please don't hesitate to drop me a line without any obligation whatsoever.

Geoff Slee

 Pages to be added to the website

This is a list of the more obvious subjects which will be added to the website. Since the list is not comprehensive please get in touch if you know of something that should be added.

  •  Major Landings - 1943 Salerno, Italy (Avalanche); Jan 1944 Anzio, Italy  (Shingle); Aug 1944 South of France (Dragoon); Jan 1945 Arakan, Burma; May 1945 Rangoon, Burma (Dracula). Malay Coast Sep 1945 (Operation Zipper).

  •  Commando Actions - 3 Sep '43 Reggio, Italy; 11 Sep '43 Taranto Italy;  15 Aug '44 Anvil, France; 3 Jan '45 Akyab, Arakan Peninsula; 12 Jan '45  River Myebon, Arakon Peninsula;  21 Jan '45 Ramree, Arakan Peninsula; 22 Jan '45 Kangaw, Arakan Peninsula; 26 Jan '45 Cheduba, Arakan Peninsula; 16 Feb '45 Ruywa, Arakan Peninsula; Apr '45, Comacchio, Italy.

  •  Operation Agreement (Tobruk)

  •  Glossary of terms - definitions of ranks, units etc in the 3 services in WW2.

  •  Commando histories - Nos 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Inter-Allied), 12,14, 30 and Royal Marine Commandos.

  •  Combined Operations HQ (COHQ).

  •  Brief biographies of the main players. From COHQ in 1942 Willets, Horan, Haydon, Robb, Wildman-Lushington and Ellis and others such as Hobart, Hughes Hallett etc to name but a few.

  •  Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF). See brief account of the SSRF, which is in need of expansion.

  •  Parachute Regiment.


News & Information

Photo of single poppy.About Us

Background to the website and memorial project and a look to the future; plus other small print stuff and website accounts etc. Click here for information.

Photo of single poppy.

Featured Links; Combined Ops Heritage; 40 D Day Stories & Combined Operations Jigsaw Challenge


Photo of single poppy.Remember a Veteran

Pay a personal tribute to veterans who served in, or alongside, the Combined Operations Command in WW2 by adding their details and optional photo to our Roll of Honour or They Also Served pages on this website, which include the Combined Operations prayer.

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Visit our Facebook page about the Combined Operations Command in appreciation of our WW2 veterans. You are welcome to add information, photos and comment or reply to messages posted by others.

Photo of single poppy.Events and Places to Visit

Organisers: Reach the people who will be interested to know about your Combined Operations or war related event by adding it to our  webpage free of charge. Everyone else: Visit our webpage for information on events and places to visit. If you know of an event or place of interest, that is not listed, please let us know. To notify an event or place of interest, click here. To visit the webpage click here.

Photo of single poppy.Find Books of Interest 

Search for Books direct from our Books page. Don't have the name of a book in mind? Just type in a keyword to get a list of possibilities... and if you want to purchase you can do so on line through the Advanced Book Exchange (ABE).

Photo of single poppy.Combined Operations Handbook (Far East)

The handbook was prepared for Combined Operations in the Far East. It illustrates the depth and complexity of the planning process necessary to ensure that the 3 services worked together as a unified force.

Photo of single poppy.New to Combined Ops?

Visit Combined Operations Explained for an easy introduction to this complex subject.

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