Combined Operations Memorial
Construction Fund
"You Did It!
Thank You And
Well Done!"
The memorial fund has reached its target of £21,128 thanks to a
remarkably generous donation of £2,000 in memory of Sgt Tom W Edwards, 637669, RAF Servicing
Commandos, Unit 3207 and the Redhill Bomb Disposal unit. The donation is also
in remembrance of all the comrades with whom he served over several years.
[Photo; Sgt Tom Edwards taken in Alexandria, Egypt
in early 1945].
The memorial fund was set up in 2006 when there was no design, no
plot on which to build and no money! It was an act of faith, or folly, depending
on your point of view! From the outset donations came in from around the world,
which provided the motivation to see the project through, despite the inevitable
disappointments and difficulties along the way.
Those who attended the dedication ceremony in July 2013, were
privileged to meet many veterans who served in Combined Operations. It was more like a family gathering than a stuffy formal occasion.
Everyone had a good reason to be there and it was a joy to see so many happy faces
engaged in animated
discussions before and after the dedication ceremony in the refreshments marquee.
The ceremony itself covered;
(1) the history of the memorial project, (2)
this website as the educational element and (3) an
historical perspective from General Barrons, Commander of the Joint Forces
Command - the modern day equivalent of the Combined Operations Command. The mood
became sombre and reflective as the memorial was dedicated and the laying
of wreaths commenced... and tears were shed, as the memories of fallen comrades
flooded back.
Those who were there will never forget it. To everyone who
donated money, supported the project in any way or contributed to this
website, I thank you on behalf of the millions who have used the website and the
many hundreds who have visited the memorial. You did it! Thank you and well
A new fund has been set up to cover on going maintenance and
future development costs of the memorial. The balance from this fund has been
carried forward to the new one. If you wish to contribute to this, please click the
"Donate" link in the page banner above.
Below there's information on the
raising wall,
of accounts
and details of past
fund raising events.
These archived records will remain published on this website as testimony to the
magnificent effort of so many people.
Geoff Slee,
Edinburgh 31/01/17
Memorial Fund Raising
Bricks in the donations wall below, with initials or names, gratefully
acknowledge receipt of single donations of £50.00 or more, as in the case of larger
bricks. Such donations will normally acknowledge the name of the donor but can
be made anonymously, in memory of a veteran, unit, landing craft etc.
In memory of Sgt Tom W Edwards 637669. RAF Servicing
Commandos Unit 3207 & Bomb Disposal (Redhill) and his comrades. RIP 19/07/16 |
In memory of Sgt Tom W Edwards 637669. RAF Servicing
Commandos Unit 3207 & Bomb Disposal (Redhill) and his comrades. RIP 19/07/16 |
In memory of Sgt Tom W Edwards 637669. RAF Servicing
Commandos Unit 3207 & Bomb Disposal (Redhill) and his comrades. RIP 19/07/16 |
In memory of Sgt Tom W Edwards 637669. RAF Servicing
Commandos Unit 3207 & Bomb Disposal (Redhill) and his comrades. RIP 19/07/16 |
Sgt Tom W Edwards 637669. RAF Servicing
Commandos Unit 3207 & Bomb Disposal. RIP 19/07/16 |
£150 from
Combined Ops Membership Fees |
£1,000 generously donated by Gloria Siggins
who served in the Combined Operations Command as a signals Wren at HMS
Turtle, a Combined |
Operations training establishment near Poole,
Dorset. For over 10 years, Gloria has supported the project over many years. |
£350 of
incidental expenses incurred during the construction of the memorial,
written off by Geoff Slee. |
£150 from
Combined Ops Membership Fees |
£500 of
incidental expenses incurred during the construction of the memorial,
written off by Geoff Slee. |
RN Beach Signals Unit 6 |
Daniel George Hawes JX315161. KIA on LCT 390 - 8/6/44. |
£400 of
incidental expenses incurred during the construction of the memorial,
written off by Geoff Slee. |
£500 donated in memory of
veteran, Arthur R Quinton (1st July 1924 to 26th October 2015), by his son,
Keith Quinton. Arthur supported this website and memorial project, almost
from the outset in the early 'noughties.' Donations, advice, support and
encouragement were freely given by him, and gratefully received by me. He is
fondly remembered. [Geoff Slee, Edinburgh, Scotland]. |
£200 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Alfred William Tremain, Essex Regiment / 4 Commando |
Pam & Mike Wright |
Daniel George Hawes JX315161. KIA on LCT 390 - 8/6/44. |
Lt D Adshead-Grant,
RNVR, designer of the Combined Operations badge.
Donated by his grandson, Ed Adshead-Grant. |
IMO Flt Sgt John Glen,
FDT 217 on behalf of his 7 great grandchildren in
Scotland and Switzerland |
IMO Andrew
Richmond, Royal Engineers, Tobruk. |
John Fenton RAF
Beach Units |
£100 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
D & P Wright
FDTs |
£500 donated by Keith Quinton in honour of his
father, veteran Arthur R Quinton. |
Neil Ross |
Capt KC Weedy RM. CO
707 Special Assault Flotilla, Sword Beach. |
PR Comfort |
ComOps Memberships |
Michael Brownhill |
Ian Carrington |
Karen Thomson |
Geoff Slee |
Gerald Wells |
ComOps Memberships |
Madeleine Richings |
Michelle Richings |
Imo Bill Newell |
Memberships |
Ellen Kerr IMO Sub. Lt. Hector McIntyre. |
A/B George McGrann, R N Commando |
Norman R Mitchinson RCNVR |
ComOps Memberships |
Ron Croft LCT 383. Juno 6th June 1944. |
Dorset Submariners' Association |
W/O Fred Jackson |
James O'Connell |
Sale of Button Badge by Terry Carney. (See
Past Fund Raising Events below) |
LCG 19 |
In Memory of Sam Ellman, Commando Beachmaster |
Mr & Mrs Robins |
Prof A Quinton |
Art Petty |
H Magee |
Local donations received for Ian Carrington's sponsored walk with dogs Reilly & Lucy
are represented by this large brick. See
full details below of walk and total raised (£1044.67) including other
donations received and accounted for separately on this page. |
No.11 (Scottish) Commando |
£50 from Combined Ops
Membership fees. |
John Mayo |
Capt KC Weedy RM. CO
707 Special Assault Flotilla, Sword Beach. |
Arthur Fairchild. LCT 489 |
From Combined Ops Memberships in aid of Ian
Carrington's sponsored walk. |
Derek Quick No 1 Commando |
Leslie Robins CH/X103991 |
£50 from Combined Ops
Membership fees. |
R E Giles |
Bill Newell, W Commando, RCNBC |
£150 from
Combined Operations Membership fees. |
L'g Seaman V F Peter Manning COPP6 |
£100 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Richard Stimpson walk |
Hilaire Benbow MBE DSC |
R.C. & E.D. Ollerenshaw |
Capt. M.E.L., R.E. |
Alan Campbell |
P Motte-Harrison |
Hugh Maines. 1
Army Commando |
£150 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Richard Stimpson
- 7 mile backwards walk. Information below.
Commando March (G T Parton) |
£300 - Bonnar Quarries, Loch Fyne, Scotland, donated four large stones for the
memorial amounting to around 16 Tons. The entry here is to acknowledge their
generosity. No monetary value attached to this entry. |
Commando Re-enactors
Commemorative March Achnacarry to Spean Bridge April 2006 |
£100 - Black Watch Association in support of Commando March.
This did not materialise so no monetary value attached to this entry. |
Re-enactors Commemorative March Achnacarry to Spean Bridge April 2006 |
£250 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Commando Re-enactors Commemorative March Achnacarry, April 2006 |
£500 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Fl/Sgt John Glen 976168 RAF Radar
£400 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
Pte Isaac
Morrison, 54th Anti-Tank Reg. |
In Memory of Fl/Sgt John Glen 976168 RAF Radar aboard
217 |
Fl/Sgt John Glen 976168 RAF Radar |
B.O. |
B.O. |
Combined Ops Membership fees. |
£100 from Combined Ops Membership fees. |
M.& P. W. |
Sgt L Owens MM |
£500 from LAC. R Karl Work, 160415, Royal Canadian Air Force, served with RAF on board FDT 217. |
£100 from Combined Ops Membership fees.
A.M. P-R |
Prof Arthur Quinton (USA) |
S. Brouchoud. |
In Memory of Fl/Sgt John Glen 976168 RAF Radar
aboard FDT 217 |
£100 from Combined Operations Membership fees. |
of Final Accounts
For simplicity the pence have been
rounded up or down as appropriate.
Haulage; the transport of four large
rocks and a cubic metre of small rocks for the mosaic wall from Scotland. |
1,240 |
Abortive work; the first site within the Arboretum proved to be
unsuitable after basic ground work had been undertaken. |
650 |
Manufacture; the 1 metre diameter mosaic
of the Combined Operations badge was manufactured in Derbyshire. |
2,210 |
Manufacture; the dedication plaque was manufactured in Aberdeen,
Scotland. |
702 |
Manufacture; the information display was manufactured in Somerset. |
636 |
Construction; the main contractor was from Fradley, Staffordshire. |
7,364 |
Fund Raising; production
costs for 197 prints, including 73 limited edition prints, of David Thorp's painting "Combined
Operations - A Normandy Beachhead". |
1,532 |
Publicity; Issue of a press release
following a publicity event at Blenheim Palace. |
192 |
excluding incidental expenses on fuel, accommodation,
phone calls and postage which are
carried forward to the final reckoning. |
£14,526 |
The Dedication Ceremony
Dedication ceremony; for hospitality, Arboretum services and St John's
Ambulance support. The bill was paid from a £5,000 interest free loan to the
Memorial Fund. |
4,882 |
Dedication ceremony;
incidentals including printed invitations and
programmes. |
270 |
Fund Raising; Buckram
cloth sheets bearing printed designs of unused Combined Ops badges are
available for a donation to the memorial fund. The cloth sheets were donated
Terry Carney. The outlay opposite covers the cost of
printing. |
200 |
Incidental Expenses incurred over 9 years on fuel, accommodation, phone
calls and postage. [Written off by Geoff Slee on
11/04/16]. |
(1250) |
Total outstanding. |
£5352 |
in Memorial Fund from Bank statement dated 12th February 2017 |
£5479.45 |
Surplus (31/01/17)
The surplus has been transferred
to the
Memorial Maintenance Fund. |
£127.45 |
Going Forward
This website is the
educational component of the memorial. So long as it exists it will require
resources to maintain, develop and provide an advice and information
service by e-mail and Facebook. A suitable 'not for profit' organisation will,
hopefully, be found to continue the work so long as there is a demand.
memorial fund will remain in existence to
fulfil ongoing commitments and obligations.
Fund Raising Events
Sale of Button Badge
The Combined Operations Military Button Badge, opposite, is unique tribute to
The Command and will be auctioned at Marlow's
Military Auctioneers
of Stone, Staffordshire on August 19th with the proceeds going to the
Combined Operations Memorial Fund. The badge is offered for sale by Terry Carney.
We sincerely thank Terry for his generosity.
The Badge was made by Terry in 1992 around the time he was researching an
article on
"The Combined Operations Badge
1942- 46."
The badge is 780mm (31
inches) in diameter and is made from hundreds of Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy
military buttons.
The use of buttons from the three services has strong symbolic associations with
Combined Operations that extends well beyond the image itself.
The outer row comprises khaki coloured General Service buttons, the second
row Royal Navy black plastic buttons and the third row black RAF plastic
buttons. The Eagle is made of brass RAF buttons, the anchor gilt Royal Navy
Officers buttons, the Tommy Gun brass Army General Service and brass Royal
Marine buttons. The background consists of Royal Navy black plastic buttons.
The buttons were originally fixed on black card by pushing the button loops
through the card and securing them in place with string. Later it was mounted
on a wooden board to provide better support.
20 Mile Walk in
Ian Carrington and his two dogs, Bailey and Lucy,
successfully completed their fund raising walk on Saturday
November 21st 2009. The weather was challenging with mist and rain at times and
heavily laden skies throughout. Despite this, the beauty of the Derbyshire
countryside can be seen in the photos below taken along the High Peak Trail.
Donations received from local supporters and as far afield as France and the USA,
totalled an impressive £1044.67. Many thanks to Ian, Bailey & Lucy and all who supported Ian's fund
raising walk. It's an old cliche but your donations really will
make a
Pre Walk Information. Ian Carrington's father, leading seaman
John Carrington (CJX355012), served
on the Destroyer Duncan before serving under the Combined Operations
Command on Landing Craft Flak 18. Then in 1944, as Coxswain of
Landing Craft Tank 820, he was involved in the Italian landings and the D
Day landings. Now in
his 85th year, he is still very much with us but, sadly, one of a dwindling
band to whom we owe so much. In honour of his father and the many
thousands who served in Combined Operations, Ian will undertake a 20 mile
walk in aid of the Combined Operations Memorial Fund.
The walk will take place on
Saturday November 21 along the
High Peak Trail in the Derbyshire Peak District.
The trail is a reclaimed rail route running from near Buxton to Cromford.
The distance of the trail is 17.5 miles but Ian and his faithful canine
companions, Bailey and Lucy, will walk a further 2.5 miles towards Derby
to make it an even 20 miles.
Bailey is a 4 year old
Golden Retriever and Lucy a 3 year old Chocolate Lab / spaniel cross, with
the distinction of having white socks. They are both rescue dogs.
of John Carrington with the Royal British Legion (RBL) standard bearer
taken in September 2005 at Salerno War Cemetery during a RBL pilgrimage
to Southern Italy under the “Heroes Return” scheme].
Backwards Walk
unique fund raising event by Royal Navy veteran, Richard Stimpson of
Staffordshire, put money in the coffers of the Combined Operations
Memorial Fund (see donations wall above) and the War Memorials Trust. We
are greatly indebted to Richard and his friends who made the day such a
success. What did Richard do? He walked backwards for 6 miles!! Click on
the photo for more information courtesy of the Wolverhampton Express and
The Commando March - 6th April 2006
number of re-enactment groups from the Netherlands, France, England,
Wales and Scotland joined forces with this website, the No 3 Commando
Re-enactment Group and the Combined Operations Association to raise
funds for the construction of the Combined Operations Memorial. We are indebted to Patrick
van der Vegt of the No 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando Re-enactment Group, located in
the Netherlands, for organising the event. In the finest spirit of
Combined Operations the march was an international operation. The event
raised £1500.00 from veterans, individuals, organisations and
associations with an interest in Combined Operations.
7 mile march started at
Achnacarry, in the
Highlands of Scotland, where WWII Commandos undertook their gruelling training
under the immediate scrutiny of the
legendary Col Charles E Vaughan. The route passed the Commando Memorial at Spean
Bridge where a wreath laying ceremony was held. To see the route of the march
click on the thumbnail opposite.
Below is a small selection of photos
taken on the day together
with articles from the media.
Lochaber Life Magazine featured the Commando
March in their November 06 edition. Achnacarry House, the Commando Memorial
and Spean Bridge are all within the Lochaber district. Around 11,000 copies
of the magazine were distributed mainly around Lochaber. Copies were
generously provided by the publishers, Scottish Provincial Press Ltd., for
distribution to all who took part in the march.

Courtesy of the Oban Times - a west of
Scotland newspaper.

Courtesy of the Sunday Post - a national

This is the road from Achnacarry to Spean
Bridge as it crosses over the Caledonian canal. It will be recognised by any
Commando or US Ranger from WW2 who trained at Achnacarry. In the front is
Patrick van der Vegt, the organiser of the re-enactor's march and Pte Leslie
Whipps of No 9 Commando.

A lone Commando stands guard over the memorial
prior to the arrival of the marchers at 12.15 pm. Although the morning parade
at 08.30 am was taken in wet snow with thick low cloud overhead, a few hours
later the clouds gave way to blue sky.

An informal photograph of the marchers with
the Commando memorial in the background.

CSM Peter Scally takes charge of the wreath
laying ceremony. A wreath from everyone associated with the Memorial Fund
and this website was laid by the great grandchildren of a Combined
Operations Veteran - the late Flt Sgt John Glen who served on
FDT 217 off Normandy.
sacrifices of the 1700 Commandos who died in WW2 is captured in this photo. The
child represents the future they fought and died for, the Commando marchers
represent the present generation paying their respects and the Commando Memorial
represents an earlier generation who did their duty.
 The amazing Pte Leslie Whipps of No 9
Commando. He completed the march with panache! He is over 80 years old and
such was his modesty that he could not understand why he was given the seat
of honour at the 'regimental' dinner held later in the day!