Combined Operations - French Index

Links to web pages
with strong French connections to Combined Operations.
Operation Overlord
D Day, June 6 1944. Operations Neptune and
Overlord were the culmination of years of planning and training by
Combined Operation planners and others, notably the USA.
The Allies needed secure sheltered harbour facilities within
days of the Normandy landings to supply their advancing forces until ports like Cherbourg were
captured. How did they erect two harbours, each the size of Dover, in just a few days
in wartime, when Dover took 7 years to construct in peacetime?
The Pipeline Under
the Ocean (PLUTO), was designed to supply petrol from storage tanks in southern England,
to the advancing Allied armies in France in the months following D-Day.
This page tells the story of the planning, development, testing and
installation of the pipelines and of their contribution to the war effort.
Normandy Poems
Poems mainly about
the Normandy landings.
The Gratitude
of a Nation [Churchill]
expression of a Nation's gratitude for the role of Combined Operations
in planning and training for the amphibious aspects of D-Day, written
to Mountbatten by Churchill on the evening of
D + 6 after visiting the Normandy beaches.
France. (Biting)
Operation Biting (27/2/42)
was a
daring Combined Operations raid on a German radar station at Bruneval in northern France. The purpose was to obtain German radar components
for analysis by experts.
[Air] 1 Whitley Squadron. [Sea] Landing Craft &
Nazaire, France (Chariot)
Operation Chariot (28/3/42) was an audacious Combined
Operation raid on the port of St Nazaire in German occupied France. Packed with
tons of high explosives, a destroyer was rammed into the gates of the only dry
dock capable of servicing the German battleship Tirpitz. Such was the damage
that the dry dock was rendered unusable for the remainder of the war. [Land] Nos.1,2,3,4,5,9 & 10 Commandos. [Sea]
HMS Campbelltown.
France (Jubilee)
Operation Jubilee (19/8/42), the Dieppe
Raid, was very costly for Canadian forces but valuable lessons were learned in
planning future operations, including D-Day. [Land] Nos 3 & 4 Commando with 50 US Rangers, the Canadian 2nd Division. [Sea] 230 ships with 3000 men. [Air] 65 RAF Squadrons
(fighters, fighter/bombers and bombers).
'Omaha' Beach
Aquatint (12-13/9/42)
was a Small Scale Raiding Force's (SSRF) operation
which took place on part of 'Omaha' beach, which, unbeknown to anyone at
the time, would witness the largest amphibious invasion force in history
just 21 months later on June 6 1944. [Land] 12 Commandos of the Small Scale Raiding
Force (SSRF). [Sea] MTB 344 the Little Pisser under the command of Freddie
Gironde, France (Frankton)
Operation Frankton (7/12/42), popularly known as the Cockleshell Heroes, tells
how a
handful of Royal Marines paddled their way up 70 miles of the Gironde
River to lay charges on enemy shipping. [Land] 10 Royal Marines - "The Cockleshell
Heroes." [Sea] Sub. HMS Tuna.
France (Neptune & Overlord)
Operation Overlord, the D-Day landings of June
1944, was the beginning of the end for Hitler and his army in Europe. The German
forces were under increasing pressure from all sides and the great effort by
Allied forces proved decisive. Many hard battles, now etched in the collective
memory of the nation, were fought along the route to the German heartland. 170,000 assault
troops, 5000 ships and 820 aircraft mainly from Canada, UK and the USA.
Combined Ops Memorial
Information about the memorial,
including its location in the grounds of the
National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.
The memorial embraces all the Allied
nations whose service men and women served in
or alongside Combined Operations, or
were trained by them in amphibious
Further Reading
There are around 300 books listed on
our 'Combined Operations Books' page. They, or any
other books you know about, can be purchased on-line from the
Advanced Book Exchange (ABE). Their search banner link, on our 'Books' page, checks the shelves of
thousands of book shops world-wide. Just type in, or copy and paste the
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