Combined Operations - USA
Index Page.

Links to web pages
with strong USA connections to Combined Operations.
Operation Overlord
D Day, June 6 1944. Operations Neptune and
Overlord were the culmination of years of planning and training by Combined
Operation planners and others, notably the USA.
Africa (Torch)
Operation Torch, the invasion of North
Africa. Churchill and his military advisers where concerned to remove the Vichy
French authorities from the territories they controlled on the North African
coast, before they fell into German hands. Torch was an American led
operation under Eisenhower, with substantial UK support.
LST 28
The story of a
United States Landing Ship Tank as told by a crew
A first hand account of the use and deployment of United
States Landing Craft Tank (Rocket) vessels in WW2 as told by a Group
Commander. These craft were most effective in launching hundreds of
explosive projectiles onto enemy held beaches just minutes ahead of
Allied troops landing. Timing and accuracy were of the essence.
US LCT (R) 439
This is an account of WW2 United States Landing Craft
Tank (Rocket)
439 - USLCT(R) 439. This specialized landing craft carried
2896 5" x 4' explosive rockets
(127mm x 1.2m) designed to soften up enemy coastal defensive
positions immediately prior to the landing of the initial assault
US LCI(L) 502 carried 196 Officers an men of the Durham Light Infantry to
Gold Beach on the wild and windy morning of June 6th 1944. This account is based
on the writings and recollections of John P Cummer and information from the
craft's Deck Log.
US Ranger to British
How the war of 20 year old USA citizen G W McCurdy was changed by a late night
in a Belfast city pub!
Operation Tiger
Disaster in Lyme Bay
on the south coast of England.
A pre D-Day landing craft training exercise
which was to culminate in the loss of 749 American lives.
Combined Ops Memorial
Information about the memorial,
including its location in the grounds of the
National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.
The memorial embraces all the Allied
nations whose service men and women served in
or alongside Combined Operations, or
were trained by them in amphibious
Further Reading
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our 'Combined Operations Books' page. They, or any
other books you know about, can be purchased on-line from the
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