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No 2 Combined Training Centre - HMS Brontosaurus.

Castle Toward, Dunoon, Argyll


HMS Brontosaurus, Castle Toward, Dunoon, Argyll was the No 2 Combined Training Centre (CTC), informally known as CTC Castle Toward (pronounced as in coward). It trained officers and crews to operate 'major' landing craft in preparation for amphibious landings onto unimproved landing beaches in North Africa, the Mediterranean, Normandy and other locations.

[Photo; Hoppers pier at HMS BRONTOSAURUS, 6 miles from Dunoon on the River Clyde. Jimmy the One huts stretch out along the shore and up the hill right of centre. © IWM (A 29908)].

The No 1 Combined Training Centre at nearby Inveraray did the same thing using 'minor' landing craft, a distinction that only signals the size of the craft and not their importance.

All photos, unless otherwise stated, are courtesy of Lt Col D B Peyman, while this account is based on research material supplied by Phillip C Jones.


Initially the Training Centre provided basic Royal Navy training in seamanship and the operation of 'major' landing craft for the officers and crews. The sailing characteristics of these flat bottomed, square ended craft was very different from conventional craft with sleek lines and heavy keels.

In November 1942, the ground force element from HMS Dundonald (the troops to be carried in landing craft to the landing beaches) was transferred to Castle Toward and Inveraray about the time the Commandos and Infantry Battalions were receiving training in amphibious operations. Toward's remit, therefore, expanded to accommodate the training of officers and men of the Royal Navy, Army, RAF Regiment and ground crews in combined amphibious operations. A variety of major assault landing craft were used, such as Landing Ship Infantry (LSI), Landing Craft Tank (LCT) and Landing Craft Personnel (LCP). The skills and procedures for safely embarking tanks, vehicles and personnel and their disembarkation in mock landings onto unimproved 'assault' beaches, were regularly rehearsed until perfected.

The training was in preparation for future landings including, Dieppe, North Africa (when a large contingent of U.S. forces was trained at both Castle Toward and Inveraray), Sicily, Italy, Normandy and Walcheren.

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Visit of Vice Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten 16 December '42.

I remember this occasion very clearly. It was a typical Scottish winter's day, blowing a howling gale, pouring with rain and bitterly cold. Mountbatten was due to visit Castle Toward at mid-day. Like every good WO, the Chief Petty Officer got the men of the establishment on parade at least half on hour before the V. Admiral was due to arrive. 12 o'clock came and went and we still awaited the illustrious inspecting officer, all the time getting wetter and wetter and colder and colder. Finally, after a delay of one and a half hours, Mountbatten appeared. By then the ratings and soldiers had been on parade for two hours.

The parade was drawn to attention and the commander invited Mountbatten to carry out the inspection. So far as I remember, the parade consisted of what the navy call divisions and what the army would describe as companies or squads. In both cases, about 30 men each. Mountbatten first inspected the naval divisions and, as soon as he had inspected a division, the officer in command ordered the men to 'Right Turn - Quick March', and off they went through the Scottish mist and rain back to their Jimmy the One huts.

When Mountbatten had inspected the fourth naval division, he turned to the parade commander and asked him why authority was being given, without his permission, for the men to be marched off parade once they had been inspected. I do not recall what sort of a reply the unfortunate officer gave, though I am sure he would have liked to have said something like, "You arrogant sod, it's because the men have been on parade for two hours, are wet through and frozen stiff."

Whatever the parade commander may have said, he got short shift from Mountbatten, who ordered all the men to be brought back on parade. I don't need to tell you that the Noble Lord was not greatly loved that day.

Centre Staff

CTC Castle Toward was under the command of a Captain RN with tri-service instructors. Below are details of the training and support staff and their duties sometime in 1942/43, which provides an insight into the diverse nature of the training undertaken.

Naval Commanding Officer - Commander B Dean (Retired) DSO RN.
Replaced by Commander R A Cassidi RN.
Replaced by Commander N N Whatley RN Commander in Command Nov '43.

Captain J D Harvey RN, Chf Naval Staff Officer Aug '43;  Major W Marjoribanks, DAA & QMG; Major D Alexander RA, GSO 2; Captain E Spickett-Jones, Messing Officer; Lt CS Douglas KOSB, Instructor Infantry; Major J M Shaw MC RFus, Instructor Infantry; 2/Lt A Denholm, RAInstructor RA; Capt E Brasier-Creagh MC RA, DAA & QMG; Lt C Adams, Admin Officer; Captain P B Peyman, GSO 3; Lt R Findlay R Sigs, Instructor Sigs; Captain W Leigh Taylor RASC, Instructor RASC; Lt Harwood RN, Gunnery officer; Lt Fairhurst RTR, Instructor RAC; Major J Kelway RA, GSO 2; Captain F Fairhurst RTR, Instructor RAC; Lt R Galloway RNVR; Beachmaster; Lt B Burrage REME; Instructor REME; Sub Lt Howarth, Beachmaster; Lt (QM) J A Dunlop, QM; FI Lt C B Savory RAF, Air Staff Officer; Captain Radcliffe, Staff Captain (A); Capt A Denholm RA, Instructor RA; Lt Wright; Asst Camp Comdt; Lt L Edgar RE, Instructor; Lt K Hathaway RN; SO (N) (posted Sep '43); Captain T G Lewis; Chaplain; Brigadier A W Lee; Com'dt CTC Castle Toward I; Colonel H Clark, Colonel Commandant; Lt Col A F Young OBE, Brigade Training Officer and  Lt Colonel D Macfie, Camerons GSO 1.

Further Reading

There are around 300 books listed on our 'Combined Operations Books' page which can be purchased on-line from the Advanced Book Exchange (ABE) whose search banner checks the shelves of thousands of book shops world-wide. Type in or copy and paste the title of your choice or use the 'keyword' box for book suggestions. There's no obligation to buy, no registration and no passwords. Click 'Books' for more information.


70th Infantry Brigade 1939 – 1944.

I run a Memorial Website on 70th Infantry Brigade 1939 – 1944 under the auspices of a Registered Charity, the North East War Memorials Project.

The Brigade and its supporting units spent some considerable time at Castle Toward, training in amphibious operations, especially in 1943 when it was expected that they would be part of the initial D-Day Assault.

In the event, their “parent” Brigade, the151st, got that honour. The 49th Division was reclassified as a follow-up Division when Montgomery chose the 50th Division as his spearhead instead.

The Website contains the full set of the War Diaries for these units. It can be found at www.newmp.org.uk/70brigade


John L Dixon

Lead Researcher

Victor Frederick Golder ex RN, Service Number was C/JX 548491. Rank of AB LC/SIG.

Dear Geoff,

I’ve just made a donation to the Combined Ops Memorial Fund, having been prompted by a chance conversation with my Father about his National Service training.

Dad is Victor Frederick Golder ex RN now aged 83yrs. His Service Number was C/JX 548491 and held the rank of AB LC/SIG.  He has some memories of his time at HMS BRONTOSAURUS and remembered that it was a Combined Ops training establishment, but didn’t recall that it was at Castle Toward.  He was there for signals training. He spent his War Service drafted to minesweepers and LCTs and was one of many that embarked troops who landed on D-Day beaches.

I have found your web-site exceptionally useful and informative, not least of all because I am preparing for Dad a summary account of his Service life, brief though it was (he volunteered at age 17 in 1943 and was demobbed in late ’46).  When I have tidied up a few of the photos that I have of Dad and his mates on board LCTs, I will pass them across in case they stimulate memories in others.  In the family he was known as Joff, maybe that was carried into the Service.  Do you have an appropriate tag within the website to post these (all too brief) details of my Dad at Castle Toward.  I would love to find out if there is anyone that remembers him.

Thanks in anticipation. Stay safe, Regards, Steve.

Sub Lt Islwyn Vaughan RNVR

This photo includes my father and I'd love to hear from anyone in the photo or anyone who has any information about it. My father was Sub Lt Islwyn Vaughan RNVR. He served as follows in combined ops; i) 5th LCP (L) Aug 1942 - Deippe, ii) 520th LCA July 1942 - Point De Hoc, Normandy & iii) Nov 1944 509th Flotilla at E Schelts & Holland

Many thanks in anticipation. Rob Vaughan.

Charles Carmichael

My grandfather, Charles Carmichael, served in the RAF Regiment as an AC2 with No. 2777 Squadron. The squadron operations record book is very brief but contains the following entry concerning training courses.


25.6.43 a.m, Lecture to squadron by Lt.Col. Young

26.6.43 p.m., Squadron proceeded to Castle Toward for CTC course

Castle Toward

1.7.43 a.m. Squadron witnessed landing craft demonstration, Inveraray

2.7.43 a.m. Squadron in exercise PRUNE I

2.7.43 p.m. Swimming instruction in full kit. PO Joels arrived from Compton Bassett

3.7.43 a.m. Squadron in exercise PRUNE II

3.7.43 p.m. Squadron in exercise Straddle

4.7.43 Squadron completed exercise Straddle

6.7.43 a.m. Squadron leaves for Gosport

In August 1944 my grandfather was transferred to No. 2742 Squadron RAF Regiment. That squadron was also at Castle Toward in 1943 from 18-24 May for what was designated as No. 12 Combined Operations Course.


 Ian Young

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