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Memorial donations of around £27,500 funded construction, dedication and routine ground maintenance in perpetuity.

  Donate here to a small contingency fund to repair and maintain the memorial structures as and when required.

List of Members.

Supporters of the Combined Operations memorial and website project.

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About Membership


326 Adshead-Grant Ed (England)
051 Aitchison James (England).
251 Andersson Cassiel (Sweden).
126 Angelis Jill de (England).
272 Arch Colin (England).
238 Ash Richard (England).


138 Bailes Norman (England).
178 Baker John (England).
191 Bale Jill (England).
305 Barlow John M (England).
048 Bartle Noel J (England).
309 Batty Philip (England)
092 Bennett W S (England).
304 Bentley Chris (England).
193 Best Peter (England).
087 Bingham Derek (Scotland).
162 Birch Peter (Australia).
299 Birkinshaw Stephen (England).
085 Blair David (Scotland).
351 Bolam Pauline (England)
291 Bonney David (England).
261 Bowman David (England).
199 Boyle Peter (Canada).
062 Bradford Robert (Canada).
266 Bridgewater John (England).
079 Broomfield Raymond (Scotland).
003 Brouchoud Sandra (Switzerland).
093 Brown Ian (Scotland).
247 Browne David (England).
315 Brunton John (UK)
265 Budd Stephen (England).
226 Bury Andrew (Canada).
324 Byrne Steve


059 Cameron Angus (Scotland).
252 Cameron Roddy (Scotland).
198 Cannell Stanley (England).
065 Caplin A J (England). Design & Development of the Combined Operations Insignia.
213 Carrington Ian (England).
119 Carrington John (England).
052 Carter David (England). Role of Harbour Defence Motor Launch HDML 1301.
290 Casey Antony (England).
088 Cavanagh David (England).
167 Cavness John J (USA).
152 Cawdron Christine (England). HM LCG 19.
166 Chadwick Ian (Columbia).
020 Chapman Tony (England). (1) At Dawning - D-Day as seen from Landing Craft. (2) WW2 Poems. (3) Dozens of accounts of landing craft in his role as historian and archivist for the LST and Landing Craft Association.
310 Charleton Anne (Ireland).
143 Chedzey Antony (England).
330 Cherry Brian (USA)
047 Cherry Niall (England).
182 Cheshire Jean (England).
021 Clark Jean (Scotland). HMS COPRA, Largs, Scotland.
308 Clarke Carol (England).
101 Claye Russell (England).
131 Cogswell Brenda (England).
285 Collings Thomas (England).
113 Connell Niall (Scotland).
151 Cook Anita (England).
044 Cook Geoffrey (Wales).
073 Cottle Mary (England).
278 Court Caroline (England).
111 Crane Rob (England).
169 Craven  Michael (England).
022 Cumming  Michael (England). Operation Starkey.
218 Currie  Paul (England).


259 Dalling James V (England).
279 Dalton  Anthony D (Scotland).
242 Danne  Alexander (Australia).
239 Danne  Peter (Australia).
090 Davies  Norman (England).
332 Dobby Paul (England).
210 Dold Richard (France).
061 Donnison  Stephen (England).
056 Donovan Brian (Ireland).
135 Downing George HMS Glenearn.


320 Eames Alan.
292 Eaves Jack (Australia).
004 Evans Lloyd (Canada). Memories of a Landing Craft Crew Member.


091 Faulkner Peter (England).
045 Fitt Robert (England).
124 Flagg Craig (England).
195 Flower Jeremy P (England).
301 Forinton John (England).
077 Fox Lorraine (England).
233 Freeth James (Australia).
096 Frost Chris (UK). Special Forces - 574 Field Security Section.


083 Gardner Hugh (USA).
023 Garrod Denis (Canada). Life on a landing craft tank - the story of LCT 980.
336 Gilbert Jonathan Richard (England)
221 Gooch Jim (USA).
263 Gossage Colin (England).
288 Green Theresa (England).
316 Green Timothy (England)
129 Grimes Alan (England).
240 Gurnsey Michael (New Zealand).


024 Hall Pete (UK). Geoffrey Nathaniel Pyke.
231 Hamilton John (England).
271 Hancock Trevor (England).
185 Hanley George (Australia).
010 Harding Maurice (England).
102 Harrison Gordon (Canada).
327 Hart Alastair (Scotland)
235 Hart Matthew. HMS Thruster.
348 Hart Stephen J (England)
244 Hart Sydney C (England).
137 Harvey Douglas (Scotland).
301 Hastings Julian (England)
352 Hathaway David
255 Hattersley Alfred (England).
254 Hattersley Paul (Australia).
025 Hayes Christopher M (England). The Royal Observer Corp on D-Day.
229 Hayes Susan (England).
267 Haynes Brian (England).
225 Hedges Barry (England).
280 Heluin Bruno  (France).
232 Hensher Arthur G  (England).
219 Hepburn Alison  (England).
054 Herkalo Brian J (USA).
160 Hewett Stuart (England).
153 Hewitt Chris (England).
329 Hillman Andrew (England).
204 Hine Chris.
026 Hite Ron (England).
317 Holcroft Chris (UK).
103 Holland Ian. Landing Craft Flak (LCF).
298 Holland Mary T (England).
156 Holmes Melvyn B (England).
082 Hope Kenneth (Scotland).
223 Hope Richard (Wales).
196 Hoskins John (Scotland).
269 Houbert Bernard (Scotland).
216 Houston Robert (USA).
027 Houterman J N (Netherlands). (1) Deployment of forces on both sides of Operation Infatuate. (2) Complete revamp of the content & presentation of the site's "Books" page and general advice on the historical record.
127 Howes K A S (England).
241 Hughes Gordon (Canada).
333 Hughes Richard A (England).
116 Hyslop James (England).


076 Isaacs Cecil (Northern Ireland).
192 Ivey Martin (England).


069 Jacobs Alan R.
149 Jay John (England).
017 Jepson Jim & Pat (Scotland). (1) Inveraray in Wartime.
227 Jewell J (England).
133 Johns Tony (England).
072 Johnston Joanne (England).
157 Jones Charles Alfred (England).
132 Jones Christopher (England).
095 Jones David John (Wales).
005 Jones Phillip C (Wales). (1) 516 Squadron, RAF Dundonald, Ayrshire. (2) UK Combined Ops Training Establishments. (3) Castle Toward Combined Training Centre. (4) HQ Ships.
268 Jones Timothy (Australia).


177 Keene Tom (England).
353 Kelly Jeffrey R (England).
168 Kennedy Roy (England).
170 Kennedy Terry (England).
028 Kidder Jill  (Canada). Training in Small Landing Craft Operations.
270 King David  (Sweden).
136 King Ray  (England).
287 Kinnear Wade  (Canada).
029 Kipling A H  (England). Royal Naval Commandos - a brief history.
220 Klothe Kenneth (USA).
200 Knight Victor (England).
089 Knutsen Olav (Norway).
Krämer Stefan (Germany).


211 Lancaster Val (England).
097 Lappin Graham (UK). Black Hackle - the Story of No 11 (Scottish) Commando.
120 Large Ronald (England).
080 Law Angus (Scotland).
057 Law David (Canada).
007 Leahy Stanley (England).
253 Lee Geoffrey (England).
172 Le Maistre Seb (Channel Islands).
346  Leopold Barbara (England)
307 Lewis Martin (England).
150 Lister John (England).
207 Lloyd David (England).
102 Long Hubert H (England). Insignia Specimens.
173 Love Dianne (England).
314 Lowry David (England).
114 Luffman Linda (Canada)
171 Lyne Mark (England).


030 MacColl Catriona A (Scotland). Mountbatten's Kilfinan Egg.
338 MacGillivray Alasdair (Scotland).
335 McCarthy Paul. (UK)
283 McCormick Michael (Scotland).
018 McGrann William (England). Operation Brassard - The Invasion of Elba on the 17 June 1944.
031 McGurdy GW. Aspirant US Ranger to British Commando.
163 McHarg Ian (Scotland).
112 Macey Andrew  (IRL).
246 Machin Roderick (England).
075 Maines Andy  (UK).
142 Malet de Carteret EF  (UK).
262 Mallon John  (Northern Island).
264 Maloney Beverley  (England).
066 Manuel Christopher  (UK).
122 Marsling Steve (England). Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF) - MTB 344 - Freddie Bourne.
032 Maxwell Clay (UK). Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF) - MTB 344 - Freddie Bourne.
071 Melboune Rose (England).
174 Mercey Fred (France).
109 Milham A. Post WW2 Combined Ops Suez.
104 Millar Robin. LCT Squadron.
197 Miller Cynthia (USA).
188 Miller Paul (England).
184 Millin John (England).
145 Mills Jonathan (England).
293 Mills Phil (England)
121 Moore Simon (England).
212 Mordecai Frank (England).
105 More Henry (USA). Litani Raid.
331 Morley Ruth (Australia).
275 Morris Brian (England).
284 Morris Iain (Scotland).
043 Morrison Andrew (Australia)
281 Morter Paul (England).
243 Moss David (England).
181 Murray Ian (England).
322 Mustacchi Daniel (UK).
063 Mustill Jacqueline (Canada).


328 Neale Mathew
George (England).
099 Nelson Roy. D Day Flotilla 814 HMLCV(P).
141 Newell Bill (Canada). W Commando + other contributions.
067 Ng Eddie (Scotland).
106 Noel Phillip (England). Navigational Aids fro Beach Landings.
164 Norton Tony.
016 Nugent James (UK).


140 O'Connell James (USA).
215 O'Marah  Kevin (Wales).
046 Orton, Alan H (England).
154 Osborn R (England).
319 O'Shea Patrick (USA)


294 Parsons Garry (England)
340 Partridge Lesley Annette (England).
144 Patterson Christopher (Scotland).
117 Patterson Duncan (England).
033 Paul James (England). (1) Bruneval - Operation Biting. (2) Walcheren - Operation Infatuate. (3) St. Nazaire - Operation Chariot. (4) No. 4 Commando. (5) Operation Torch.
214 Payne Malcolm (Ireland).
325 Pearson Ian (England).
321 Peek David. (England).
312 Peel Ashley (England).
086 Pendleton Neil (England).
282 Gaymer-Perry Janet (England).
125 Petty Arthur H (Canada). RIP 3rd Nov 2011 in his 86th year.
123 Pierce (Ted) Edward. Contribution to the HQ Ships page on the subject of HMS Bulolo - the first HQ Ship.
248 Pinney Patrick (France).
002 Pitt George H (Canada). (1) Dieppe - Operation Jubilee. (2) D-Day Landings - Operation Overlord. (3) Pykrete - Ice Ships in the Rockies.
078 Prest Andrew (England).
070 Professional Web Agency.
034 Prosser
Austin (UK). My World War or My Home was a Landing Craft.


009 Quinton Professor Arthur R (USA). Contribution to FDT page  (FDT 13 including photographs).
013 Quinton Keith  (USA).


064 Randall Lynda (England).
186 Read Clayton (England).
155 Richards John.
313 Richardson John Michael (New Zealand).
176 Richings Madeleine (Australia).
130 Richmond Doug.
107 Riley Geoff C. Operation Ironclad, Madagascar.
274 Robertson John. (Scotland).
035 Robertson Steve. HMS Royal Ulsterman.
323 Robinson Beverley (England).
203 Robinson Stephen (Scotland).
074 Rogers B (England).
110 Rooney Chris. Small Scale Raiding Force.
341 Rose Georgie.
053 Routledge James B. HMLCT 318 - personal reminiscences of a crew member.
202 Rudkin Ian (England).
115 Ruttle Plant Ltd (England).


205 Salisbury Neil (England).
036 Salmon Alan (Canada). (1) Coastal Command's Operations off Normandy.
206 Salmon Clarence A (England).
189 Sandquest David (Australia).
037 Saunders George H. HMS Royal Ulsterman.
012 Scally Peter (Scotland).
159 Schulze Lauren (England).
228 Seeger John (USA).
318 Servicevend NW Ltd (Wales).
273 Sharp-Paul Alastair (Australia).
297 Shawcross Hume (Thailand)
038 Shears Douglas (New Zealand). 516 Combined Operations Squadron - Memories of a Pilot.
100 Shipston Bryan. 9th LCT Flotilla (The Lost Flotilla).
334 Sillifant John (England).
050 Simeon Bateman & Co Ltd. Honorary Membership for memorial fund raising.
187 Singleton John (Canada).
001 Slee Geoff (Scotland). Website, Memorial & Facebook Page.
208 Smart Barrie (England).
128 Smith Annie (Scotland).
286 Smith Ivian (USA).
134 Smith Michael (Scotland).
039 Smith William J (Canada). Walcheren - The Calgary Highlanders.
040 Spence Archie (New Zealand). LST HMS Misoa - from North Africa to Normandy.
146 Spring Phil (England).
311 Stafford Daniel (England)
257 Staples Dennis (England).
175 Stapleton Marcus (USA).
015 Stephane Charlotte (Belguim).
068 Stephens Steven L (England).
008 Stewart Nigel (France). Operation Aquatint.
Timothy J (Wales).

049 Stimpson Richard (England). Honorary Membership for memorial fund raising.
148 Stout J Patrick (USA).
201 Summerfield Sarah (England).
224 Sutherland Myles (England).


230 Tarry Roger (England).
289 Taylor Dave (England).
108 Taylor Mike. New Landing Craft - Handover to Navy.
041 Taylor W Brian (England). PLUTO - secret supply of flexible pipe manufacturing machines.
014 Terrett Raymond (England).
256 Thomas Johnathan  (England).
183 Thomas Phillip (England).
139 Thompson Gerald (England).
258 Todd John (Northern Ireland).
161 Tooes Allen (England).
190 Toogood Frank (England).
081 Tudor
Geoffrey (England).
222 Tullock D A (Scotland).
234 Tyrrell Elaine (Canada).


094 Urch Victor W C (England).
249 Usher Howard (England).


060 Vaughan Robert (Wales).
296 Vernon Suzanne (UK).


295 Wadsworth Ben (England).
313 Wake James (Australia).
180 Wake Laurence (England).
260 Walker Alan (England).
084 Wallis David (England).
165 Walsh Sean (England).
058 Ward Professor Roberta J (England).
342 Washer Craig (England).
179 Waugh Lee (England).
217 Weedy Graham (England).
147 Wells Gerald (USA).
194 Wells Phin (England).
250 Werner Niwaldo Junior (Brazil)).
276 West Bruce (England).
300 Wheeler Philip (England).
236 Whitehead Valerie (England).
098 Whitting H R " Lofty", 524 LCA Fotilla.
158 Wiles Charles M (England).
042 Wigard Jan H (Holland). Wartime memories of a Small Boy in occupied Holland.
245 Wilkinson David (England).
337 Wilson Rory (England).
277 Wood David (England).
006 Work, Karl (Canada). (1) Story of Royal Canadian Air Force Insignia. (2) Diary of events on FDT 217.
345 Woodward Michael (England)
350 Wright Lynne (England)

011 Wright Pamela (England).
118 Wyatt Thomas Albert (England).


237 Young David  (England).

News & Information

Photo of single poppy.About Us

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Photo of single poppy.

Featured Links; Combined Ops Heritage; 40 D Day Stories & Combined Operations Jigsaw Challenge


Photo of single poppy.Remember a Veteran

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Photo of single poppy.Events and Places to Visit

Organisers: Reach the people who will be interested to know about your Combined Operations or war related event by adding it to our  webpage free of charge. Everyone else: Visit our webpage for information on events and places to visit. If you know of an event or place of interest, that is not listed, please let us know. To notify an event or place of interest, click here. To visit the webpage click here.

Photo of single poppy.Find Books of Interest 

Search for Books direct from our Books page. Don't have the name of a book in mind? Just type in a keyword to get a list of possibilities... and if you want to purchase you can do so on line through the Advanced Book Exchange (ABE).

Photo of single poppy.Combined Operations Handbook (Far East)

The handbook was prepared for Combined Operations in the Far East. It illustrates the depth and complexity of the planning process necessary to ensure that the 3 services worked together as a unified force.

Photo of single poppy.New to Combined Ops?

Visit Combined Operations Explained for an easy introduction to this complex subject.

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